Park Place Lodge

Albertans Will Always be Welcome

As we enter more relaxed pandemic restrictions, we welcome you as valued part time Fernie citizens that I know personally contribute greatly to our town in many ways and for that we thank you and look forward to seeing you again.

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Fernie resident Mario Rocca

Fernie is fortunate to have many incredible citizens, Mario is certainly one of those that loves his town and his region and contributes greatly to its betterment.

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Fernie Skiing Heritage Wall of Fame 2020

Fernie’s Best Western ballroom was pulsating with conversation on Friday March 6, as ski enthusiasts and special guests gathered to celebrate the 2020 inductees to the Fernie Skiing Heritage Wall of Fame.

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BC Mining Month 2019

May is BC Mining Month and because mining is one of BC’s largest and oldest industries this designation offers an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the importance of the current industry in our province.

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Women’s Talk in Fernie

On Saturday April 13, 2019 a Women’s Talk conference was held at the Best Western Mountain Lodge in Fernie. What is Women’s Talk you might ask?

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Scams and Frauds

Scotiabank Branch Manager Patrick Bilyk, Rockies Law attorney Graeme Nunn, and GPI owner Gerald Price spoke for over an hour to explain on what a scam and fraud could be and how to deal with it.

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Brooks Creek Ranch

Several years ago I had a meeting with a couple of young men Kevin Dunn and Stacy Falk who told me of an exciting plan they had to build a lodge on a riverside property they’d recently purchased.

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