Park Place Lodge

Elk Valley Strong Fundraiser

Our very first Elk Valley Strong purchase was to these lovely ladies who got to pick an independent business within the Elk Valley to donate $10 from their t-shirts to!

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Fernie Chamber Update

As we prepare our businesses and community to be ready for phase 3 of BC’s Restart Plan, there are a whole raft of new challenges facing our members.

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Albertans Will Always be Welcome

As we enter more relaxed pandemic restrictions, we welcome you as valued part time Fernie citizens that I know personally contribute greatly to our town in many ways and for that we thank you and look forward to seeing you again.

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Fernie Hotel supports off-leash Dog Park

The money will be used to offset the costs associated with fencing the perimeter of the park, ensuring separation with traffic and pedestrians, and providing a contained space for socialization.

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