As we enter more relaxed pandemic restrictions, we welcome you as valued part time Fernie citizens that I know personally contribute greatly to our town in many ways and for that we thank you and look forward to seeing you again.
Fernie is fortunate to have many incredible citizens, Mario is certainly one of those that loves his town and his region and contributes greatly to its betterment.
Fernie’s Best Western ballroom was pulsating with conversation on Friday March 6, as ski enthusiasts and special guests gathered to celebrate the 2020 inductees to the Fernie Skiing Heritage Wall of Fame.
Although I am no longer involved in local government, I have not detached from Fernie — a place I’ve called home for 65 years and a place I love passionately.
It’s a one act play with two scenes performed as a radio broadcast and the theme of the play is about setting aside what it is that hinders a person’s ability to adjust to change and move on.
May is BC Mining Month and because mining is one of BC’s largest and oldest industries this designation offers an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the importance of the current industry in our province.