Park Place Lodge

The Weather Broke

A bit of wind pushes the wet into corners, dry for weeks, and spreads the newly freshened air through the open windows and doors of the house.

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RDEK Covid-19 Regional Snapshot

The key message has not changed: the basic principles of physical distancing, keeping our bubbles small, practicing good handwashing and considering the use of cloth face masks in areas where physical distancing is not possible will all help keep us and our loved ones safe.

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Hazard On Elk River

90% or river fatalities are caused by entrapment and log jams are the leading hazard. Be safe on the river and don’t become a river statistic.

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Fernie Museum Reopens

On the surface, Fernie might seem like any mountain resort town: beautiful vistas, interesting shops, and a busy ski hill.

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Targeted Goat Grazing!

The goats have returned, this has become one of Fernie’s unexpected popular events during a summer with a shortage of […]

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