FWA Delivers Powder

At the end of the day you will have experienced and average of ten runs and anywhere up to 15,000 vertical feet of untracked powder on perfectly gladed terrain.

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Fernie’s Unsung Hero Blair Craig

Vlogger Michael Downie take us behind the scenes with groomer extraordinaire Blair Craig to see how Fernie Alpine Resort uses a winch cat to groom their slopes.

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Fernie Opening weekend!

Fernie Alpine Resort is opening for the season this Saturday, December 2nd, and Fernie locals are excited, some more than others.

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CBT Funds Avalanche Canada

Predictable multi-year funding is critical for our operations and allows us to maintain our services for the backcountry community.

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Powder Monday

Fernie delivered another epic Powder Monday that that followed a Powder Sunday and lead into a Powder Tuesday and a Powder Wednesday.

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