
Heiko Celebrated

Heiko picked up the old school building with the idea of turning it into high-end condos.

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Keep the Wild in Your Life

“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.” Leonard Cohen I’m walking down a freshly cut logging […]

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Fernie Opens with Powder

With the Arctic front moving in the conditions are prime for the Fernie Factor! Early season skiing in Fernie is delivering as expected.

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A blind date

Opening day at the ski hill is kind of like a blind date arranged by a cousin.

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Fernie Council Meeting

Council issued the permit to vary the minimum side yard setback to allow the structure referred to as the “Covered Entry”

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Macnair to represent NDP

Fernie resident Randal Macnair will be the 
Kootenay East New Democrat Party (NDP) candidate in the May 9, 2017 B.C. […]

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