Monday night it snowed. And then it didn’t snow. and then it snowed. The big tease after a long dry spell. Tuesday morning broke with a bit of snow. No. . . more than a bit, a full 10cm on the official hill site.There almost seemed to be an inversion cloud layer, but it broke early.

At first it seemed like skiing would be dust on crust. Then on second thought, 10cm is OK. It’s worth the trip up the access road. The lot was filling fast.

The skiing was marvelous. Simply marvelous.

A little crust scrapped clean here and there, but for the most part, it was rip and roll. Even at the end of the afternoon, there were lines in the glades in Curry, Cedar and Lizard that had carried little traffic.

About two I stood at the top of Lower Cedar Center and looked back up the hill, then across to Snake Ridge. I simply stood and looked at the view. And the emptiness. There wasn’t a skier in sight. Finally two skiers started down Gorby on Snake. Two skiers.

A bluebird day with a bit of fresh.

You can’t really ask for more without seeming to be greedy.

Before they reached the bottom I bolted down to the bottom of the Haulback. The liftie came out of the hut and handed me the T. I looked up the track. No one in sight. As the T reached the end of the cord and I started up the track, I heard the two skiers from Snake stop and slide into line. Their skies scratching loudly on the hard snow at the base of the Haulback.

10cm. Maybe 15cm in Cedar. It was a great day

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