The last weekend in September the Elk River Alliance invites you to participate in this event to honor and celebrate the many ways we enjoy and care for the Elk River. Join others around the World and BC observing Rivers Day to celebrate this valuable lifeblood of our valley.

Get involved and show your love and care for the Elk River by participating in:
Saturday September 26, 2015 4 pm to 11:30 p.m. – Our River Rocks Social @ Fernie Community Centre
The Elk River Displays, 4-8 p.m. – Businesses and organizations are invited to set up a booth/table to promote how they benefit from the Elk River and what they do to steward it for future generations. Businesses can sell items, services, share the direct benefits you receive from the Elk River and demonstrate your corporate stewardship efforts. A table/booth space for $100 (Includes a free one year corporate membership to ERA, supporting the work we do to ensure the Elk River remains drinkable, fishable and swimmable for future generations.)
Rockin’ River Fisher Competition, 5-7 p.m. – First Fly Fishing Skills Event. Enter to compete in one of 3 categories: Youth (18 and under), Adult (19-59), Professional Guides. Skills will include casting accuracy/distance, dexterity and benthic invertebrate identification, fish quiz. Entry fee: $20 for Youth and $40 for Adults/Masters (includes a free ERA membership and coveted ERA stainless steel water bottle and other swag). Win amazing prizes including a hand-made bamboo fly rod valued at $850!
Enjoy a beverage and Great Grub food at the Blue Drinks Cash Bar, 4-8 p.m. – fun and fancy drinks and Fernie Brewing Company beer that feature our amazing local water. Enjoy dinner for $10 (lasagna, salad and bun). Join the flow of conversation about summer river memories.
Our River Rocks ‘On with DJ Cona 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 – Celebrate with your friends and neighbours and share memories about being on the Elk River this summer and in the past. Entry by donation $5 at the door. For a $20 donation you get a free ERA membership and stainless steel water bottle.
Enter the Elk River Photo Contest by tagging your photo of your favorite Elk River memory on Instagram and Facebook with #MyElkRiver. Images will be showcased during the evening event. Take a photo at our booth with costumes declaring your ‘love for the Elk’.
Art on the Rocks 4-8 p.m. – purchase local art featuring the Elk River. Make modern Rock Art, fish stamping, manipulate objects to build a River Mandala, or build a critter on the rocks.
Elk River Watershed Interactive Display – learn more about the Elk River’s glacial headwaters, wetlands, riparian areas and more.
River Raffle and Silent Auction – win some amazing prizes and support river stewardship.
Sunday, September 27, 1-4 pm for the Great Elk River Shoreline Cleanup
MEET in Fernie at the