Park Place Lodge

Category 2 open burns to be prohibited

Effective at noon Pacific time on Monday, July 29, 2019, Category 2 open burning will be prohibited throughout the Southeast Fire Centre’s jurisdiction, including the Rocky Mountain Natural Resource District, the Selkirk Natural Resource District, the Elk Valley and South Country.

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Low Snowpack in Elk Valley

The Elk Valley is experiencing a below-average snowpack and this potentially does not bode well for Fernie. Last spring we […]

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It’s Snowing — Please Slow down

Snowfall has once again arrived in the Elk Valley and this is a reminder to please slow down. With the coming snow accumulation people are encouraged to drive to the road conditions.

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Travel Safely on our Winter Roads

Remaining safe on our winter roads is a joint responsibility. Road maintenance is important however the driver is ultimately responsible for the safety of passengers and others.

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Cross River and Nipika Evacuation Alert

An Evacuation Alert has been issued by the Regional District of East Kootenay due to wildfire and
the potential danger to life and health in the Cross River/Nipika Mountain Resort

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