Park Place Lodge

Josh Dueck speaking in Fernie

Josh Dueck, Gold-medal Paralympian, is speaking in at the Fernie Secondary School on June 12th. Please contact the school’s administration to attend a session.

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FBC’s latest IPA “Hit The Deck”

FBC’s Hit the Deck follows the trend; it’s a cloudy, tropical beer, brewed with a special yeast strain that accentuates the grapefruit, tangerine, and stone fruit flavours of the hops.

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CBT helps SAR teams

Search and rescue organizations teams will have safer and quicker access to the lost or injured thanks to the Columbia […]

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Fernie CAO Wins Award

At the May 23 regular meeting of City of Fernie council Mayor Mary Giuliano presented chief administrative officer (CAO) Norm […]

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Fernie Herbicide Use is Petitioned

Concerned citizens in Fernie have raised issue and started an online petition regarding the City of Fernie planned use of Herbicides in public spaces and parks.

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