Park Place Lodge

In Fernie there is no public transit system. If you don’t have a car, your options are pretty limited, but eventually (it might take a while) you will get there. Regardless, everything within town is walkable, and you should be able to get groceries, beer, and all the other things you need without transportation other than your own tootsies most of the time. Check out one of the City Maps online or pick up your own at participating businesses.

The Fernie Stoke shuttle runs Winter and Summer from town to the hill and has designated pickup spots (Downtown, hotels) and costs a small fee or free at accommodations. Get information here.

An old option is hitching at the end of the West Fernie bridge. It is by no means reliable or guaranteed. The golden rule is, don’t give drivers attitude – ever.

To get in and out of Fernie your options have improved greatly. To and from the Calgary and Cranbrook airports, there are daily winter airport shuttles. Get information here.

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