Acclaimed author, naturalist and biologist Douglas Chadwick is touring the Kootenays this February to share his latest book, Four Fifths a Grizzly: A New Perspective on Nature that Just Might Save Us All.

In collaboration with Wildsight, Chadwick will be wrapping up his Kootenay-wide book tour in Fernie Tuesday, Feb 14th.

“The goal of my book is to get people thinking about nature in fresh ways by taking them on a sort of safari through different communities of life, some hard to find in remote wildlands, others active all around us and underfoot, still others flourishing — by the trillions — inside our own bodies. We and nature are anything but separate. We are indivisible. Which is why the future of human existence is bound to the health and stability of natural communities near and far across the only living planet we know,” says Chadwick

Four Fifths a Grizzly, published by Patagonia in 2021, is a series of interrelated essays that weaves in Chadwick’s personal experiences alongside science and history, to illustrate the amazing interconnectedness of nature, advocating that a path toward conservation begins with how we see our own place in this world.

“Humans are part of nature, and nature is part of humankind, and in this truth we discover our greater selves,” says Chadwick.

Chadwick is a veteran writer, with 14 books and more than 200 articles to his name. His latest book is a culmination of decades of observing and reporting on and in nature.

The 7-city book tour will include a presentation by Chadwick, as well as an overview of Wildsight’s work in the region, and time for discussion and questions.

“Wildsight is excited to offer people in the Kootenays an opportunity to hear Doug Chadwick’s always insightful stories that highlight our intimate connection with nature. We hope people will come out for an entertaining presentation that looks at the family of all living things, and what that means in our own lives,” says John Bergenske, Wildsight’s Conservation Director. “We will give people a glimpse of Wildsight’s role in line with Doug’s vision.”

Admission is by donation to the book tour stop at the Fernie Seniors Centre Tuesday, Feb 14th, 7 pm. Buy a ticket to secure your spot and be entered for a door prize of a signed copy of the book!

About the Author
Douglas H. Chadwick is a wildlife biologist who carried out research on mountain goat ecology and social behaviour atop the Rockies for years and has assisted other scientists studying harlequin ducks, wolverines, grizzly bears, and whales. He is also a natural history journalist who has produced 14 popular books and hundreds of magazine stories. Many of his articles have been for the National Geographic Society on subjects from snow leopards high in the Himalayas to lowland rainforests and the underwater kingdoms of coral. A founding Board member of the Vital Ground Foundation, a conservation land trust (, Chadwick serves as well on the Board of the Liz Claiborne Art Ortenberg Foundation, which supports wildlife research and community-based conservation programs throughout the world (

Submitted by Wildsight

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