Park Place Lodge


RDEK Fire Update

Fernie had a lightening strike caused fire Wednesday evening shortly after 9PM at Fernie Alpine Resort on Snake Ridge. It was quickly reported and extinguished with helicopter and ground crew support.

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Fernie Council Update

WildSafeBC proposed that all new residential developments use this style of garbage collection and offered other actions that would help reduce wildlife interaction.

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Fernie Mayor’s Update

I have initiated many programs, worked on many projects, supported many organizations, and worked long days into evenings to do good for this community and for the area as a whole.

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Wildlife Values questioned

Area A Director Mike Sosnowski and Fernie Mayor Mary Guiliano argued that the entire area between the City of Fernie and Fernie Alpine Resort is going to be developed eventually.

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Wildlife and new Developments

WildSafeBC recommends certified communal bear resistant dumpsters rather than curb side collection for developments and businesses on the outside perimeter in prime wildlife habitat.

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