Park Place Lodge


Chuck Leishman’s Wake

On the return call Chuck told Nick that he was holding a “wake” for himself. We took it as a joke and on arrival at his home noticed there was quite a festive air.

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Dr. Nally’s retirement party

Dr. Nalley, congratulations and the very best wishes for a long and happy retirement and thank you so much for the many dedicated years of service to the Elk Valley.

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Josh Dueck speaking in Fernie

Josh Dueck, Gold-medal Paralympian, is speaking in at the Fernie Secondary School on June 12th. Please contact the school’s administration to attend a session.

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FBC’s latest IPA “Hit The Deck”

FBC’s Hit the Deck follows the trend; it’s a cloudy, tropical beer, brewed with a special yeast strain that accentuates the grapefruit, tangerine, and stone fruit flavours of the hops.

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