Park Place Lodge


Skiing on Christmas

Skiing on Christmas is a deliberate disconnect with the norm. Everyone has a story on why, this is mine.

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It Snows in Fernie

By Ryland Nelson It snows in Fernie…and it doesn’t stop! There was a lot of hype in the pre-season about […]

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I Loved Fernie On Sight

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Best Wishes for a most Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to everyone.

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Fernie Volunteer Luncheon

I’m not sure that there are words adequate to describe a volunteer, except to say that volunteers are love in motion.

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Fernie Opening weekend

Fernie Opening weekend began on Friday December 4th with all the usual characters vying for the first chair. Legendary first […]

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#FernieReport on Instagram
