The City of Fernie has announced a date for an RV park bylaw going to public hearing. The date for a public hearing on zoning amendment (Bylaw No. 2189), which if passed would allow for the development of a Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park.
Monday, January 14, 2013 at 7:00pm
Pursuant to Sections 890 and 892 of the Local Government Act R.S.B.C. 1996, c.323, notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held on Monday, January 14, 2013 at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, 501-3rd Avenue, Fernie BC with respect to the following proposed bylaw amendment:
Bylaw No. 2189 cited as Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 135, 2012
This Bylaw proposes to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1750 by:
1.Rezoning a portion of Lot A, District Lot 4588, Kootenay District, Plan NEP91181 from RR – Rural Residential to P2 – Parks and Open Space.
2. Text amendments – by deleting the definitions for “Campground”, “Campground Space” and “Vehicle Recreational” and adding new definitions for “Trailer, Park Model” and “Yurt”.
This change would allow for the development of a Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park.
A copy of the proposed amendment bylaw and other relevant documents may be viewed until Monday, January 14, 2013 at City Hall, 501–3rd Avenue Fernie, BC, during normal business hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm or online at
Anyone wishing to address this Amendment Bylaw will be afforded the opportunity at the public hearing to be heard in person, by a representative, or by written submission, on all matters contained in the proposed Bylaw.
For more information on this application, please contact the Planning Department at (250) 423-6817.
If you are unable to attend the Public Hearing, written submissions must be received NO LATER THAN 5:00PM, JANUARY 14, 2013, to ensure their availability to Council at the Public Hearing. Written submissions can be provided by any of the following methods:
• IN PERSON: Drop off written submissions at the reception desk, City Hall 501–3rd Avenue;
• BY FAX: to (250) 423-3034;
• BY MAIL: City of Fernie, Planning Department, PO Box 190, Fernie BC V0B 1M0; or
• BY EMAIL: E-mail submissions should be sent to
All submissions must include your name and street address. Submissions cannot be accepted after the Public Hearing. All written submissions are public information pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Overnight | 24h | 48h | 7 days |
0 cm | 0 cm | 0 cm | 2 cm |
0.0 in | 0.0 in | 0.0 in | 0.8 in |
Base | This Season |
178 cm | 461 cm |
70.1 in | 181.5 in |
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Booked! Fernie Writers' Series: Karl Subban
Location: Fernie Heritage Library
Date: 23/01/2025
Time: 16:00 - 21:00