Recently installed signs communicated Provincial Recreation Order restricting Crown land camping and off-road vehicle use in the Koocanusa Recreation Management Area
The B.C. government’s fears that COVID-19 variants could spread out of control have led it to launch new restrictions for a three-week period beginning March 30, and running until April 19.
Columbia Basin Trust is partnering with Festival Seekers to host the #BuyBasin Festival on Facebook this spring, featuring up to 100 businesses across the Columbia Basin will showcase a diverse range of products and services available locally.
People in the Columbia Basin will be better able to access community resources, build connections and overcome barriers through 42 projects that aim to improve quality of life and enhance social well-being in the region.
The East Kootenay Community Credit Union announced the Fernie Nordic Society as the Fourth Recipient of $10,000 from the 70th Anniversary Legacy Campaign
This week community stakeholders and residents in the Elk Valley and South Country will be asked to complete an online survey by March 22nd for the RDEK Area A Tourism Sustainability Project.