Fernie Patio and Shop Local time

Fernie restaurants and small businesses are slow due to the travel restrictions and with this great weather it’s a perfect time to get out for some patio food and to shop locally.

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Fernie’s new Bike Coaching Company

Ridetheory puts women and youth first in new mountain bike coaching company offering diverse instruction and tours for all ages, skill levels and disciplines starting Summer 2021

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#BUYBASIN Festival Showcases Local Products & Services

Columbia Basin Trust is partnering with Festival Seekers to host the #BuyBasin Festival on Facebook this spring, featuring up to 100 businesses across the Columbia Basin will showcase a diverse range of products and services available locally.

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Half A House Is Still Only Half

The City must work with the employees to better their wages and move them out of “affordable housing” into their own homes, so the next group of residents can follow in their footsteps.

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