Park Place Lodge

This is Fall

Stepping out of the house, I stopped. Stock still, I smelled the air. Breathing deeply. The sun lit only the […]

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Skiing on Christmas

Skiing on Christmas is a deliberate disconnect with the norm. Everyone has a story on why, this is mine.

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And This is Winter

The snow packed on the front walk and hard on the streets. Slippery, yet with caution, a hidden grip accompanies the right pace.

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This is Fall

A few days ago I dug around until I found a pair of jeans. My shorts came off and jeans […]

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Fernie’s Easy Street

But don’t delay. Easy Street will only be open two more weekends. The ride ends Sept 6th and then it’s the anxious wait for snow.

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The New Olympics

Any question of the Winter Olympics relevance to skiing as a competitive sport can be put to rest with today’s […]

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