Elk River Alliance mandate:
Elk River Alliance is a community-based water group that aims to connect people to the Elk River ensuring it is drinkable, fishable and swimmable for future generations.
Vision of the Elk River watershed:
A place where well-managed human activities result in healthy ecosystems and a robust economy.
What we do:
Use education to raise our collective watershed literacy stimulating person water stewardship. Facilitate community dialogue and engagement to inform sustainable water decision-making. Monitor to assess aquatic health and prioritize community involvement in activities that enhance and restore aquatic ecosystems.
Principles Guiding ERA Activities:
– We aim to unite not divide. We bring together diverse points of view and offer a safe place to dialogue about the Elk River.
– Although we do not have decision-making authority, our role is to stimulate broad-based conversation, provide a conduit for information sharing and facilitate community input encouraging sustainable water decision-making.
– Promoting a new era in watershed thinking, ERA contributes a coordinated community voice to watershed planning and management, regulatory processes and other regional water initiatives e.g. Teck Elk Valley Water Quality Management Plan.
ERA Goals:
1. Increase and ease public access to information about the Elk River watershed.
2. Use education and community outreach to strengthen water literacy and meaningful participation in the decision-making process affecting the Elk River watershed.
3. Encourage public participation to enhance and restore aquatic ecosystems, wetlands and riparian areas.
Visit Elk River Alliance for more information.