
Regular Council Meeting

1. GRIZ VISITS MAYOR AND COUNCIL A special guest, Griz, came to visit Mayor Giuliano and Council to sell the […]

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Elk Valley Environmental Grants Announced

These projects will make a difference in improving terrestrial and aquatic habitat, helping communities adapt to climate change, monitoring water resources and engaging Basin residents in environmental stewardship

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FAR Community Day

Options like FAR, and the host of other daily activities that we take for granted are the reason we have the vibrant life here.

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Free Youth Leadership event

Youth aged 14 to 18 from around the Columbia Basin are invited to apply to attend the Leadership Summit in Kimberley on May 4 to 6, 2018 where they will strengthen their abilities, learn about themselves and their communities, and have fun!

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Fernie Search & Rescue Reminder

Fernie Search and Rescue would like to remind backcountry recreationists of a few simple steps that will increase safety and reduce the need for call-outs

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