
Chaos in the Elk Valley

It remains unclear how the objectives of reduced water contaminants in the Elk River can be reached in the presence of new mines.

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Fernie Council Report

Fernie Rod and Gun Club request for Resort Municipality Initiative Funding Council approved a grant from the Resort Municipality Tourism Incentives Investment Fund to assist the Fernie Rod and Gun Club with the cost of rental fees for city facilities required to host the upcoming British Columbia Wildlife Federation (BCWF) Convention.

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Coach Craig Mohr on the season

Coach Craig Mohr recruited a pretty good group of players in his first year back with the Ghostriders and he was also named as the Eddie Mt. Coach of the Year

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Wapiti turns Five

Wapiti launches it’s 2015 ticket sales Sunday March 1st 10am online or at Le Grand Fromage downtown Fernie.

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Fernie Council Report

East Kootenay Invasive Plant Council (EKIPC) and the RDEK and its partners recently introduced the Neighbourhood Invasive Plant Program

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