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  • in reply to: Fernie CAO no longer with the City #20575

    No need to speculate, the Free Press will have the story this Thursday.

    in reply to: Single person seeking one bedroom Apartment/Condo #20551

    Hi Zenmaster – your telus email address on your account is bouncing PM notifications.

    in reply to: Thomas Quinlan Roe #20505

    I would try the Fernie and District Historical Society <>

    in reply to: I wanna play the tabletennis.. #20443

    The Fernie Aquatic Centre has a table, best to bring your own paddles as their are a bit primitive.

    in reply to: Need information on transportation from Fernie to GHO #20463

    Teck has a daily work bus to Green Hills.

    in reply to: Proposed Xing #20460

    The survey pins could mark a proposed vehicle bridge or a discussed pedestrian crossing, either of which are not likely to happen in the coming decade.

    Being new to town, make note that capital projects in Fernie usually do not happen as quickly as does in urban centers, except for the Polar Peak Chair, due to the stagnant population growth.

    in reply to: Hunting license ? #17287

    Go to the government office in the old Court House just off 4th St.

    in reply to: Word association #18774


    in reply to: New ski resort proposed for Fernie #20364
    in reply to: Fernie Winters 2011/12 #20192

    Check out the Fernie Survival Guide:

    in reply to: Tour Divide mountain bike race #20111

    If start and stop times are any indication of a rider’s state of mind – as opposed to more objective circumstances, such as weather, or availability of food or accommodation – then it’s interesting to note the following: Kurt rode latest on the 21st, but then Jefe got the jump on him in the morning; Ethan was a little slower getting going (he has reported suffering from a sore knee, which may be the reason). The Silverthorne posse had a bit of a lie-in; now it’s Josh Shifferly out front of Roberto and Parker after Aidan Harding had to return to Steamboat to fix a bust frame.

    Perhaps also suffering from the drag-effect of staying in town, the Eurotrain in Steamboat took a while to get rolling yesterday, similarly those in Rawlins. Elsewhere, David Horton, Kevin Cunniffe and Mark Erhart were up with the lark but Kevin and Mark don’t appear to have been able to close the gap on Tori Fahey’s peloton, which is now in Atlantic City.

    Northbound, needless to say Paul Attalla was off before sun-up and is now in Lima, having swapped notes with Justin Simoni about snow conditions in passing. Now is the crux for Justin in terms of completing the original route. If he fancies Togwotee and, probably worse, Union Pass in the snow he’ll have to turn east very soon. Union Pass in particular felt a lonely place to me, even when I had the comfort blanket of being able to cover the ground between me and civilisation quickly on a bike. Still, Justin’s clearly made of stern stuff.

    To read more: … ng_through … ul_Attalla

    in reply to: Tour Divide mountain bike race #20112

    Paul Attala has established what looks to be – barring major incident – an insurmountable lead in the race to Banff. He’s over Boreas Pass– which he says is clear – and now in Steamboat. The speed with which he dispensed with New Mexico was breathtaking. It’s only a handful of miles shorter than the traditional route through Montanaand on a par in terms of difficulty – certainly in the very north and in the Gila. In the context of this year’s TD, that would lead you to think he’s broken the back of the ride as Montana has had some of its major difficulties circumvented (though a post on the race discussion forum suggests he’s planning not to take the snow re-routes…). Also, he’s not just heading to the finish, he’s also heading home, being a Fernie resident, which you’d think would provide extra motivation were any needed. Maybe his rivals will hope he’ll get distracted by calling in for a cuppa.

    in reply to: Tour Divide mountain bike race #20113

    The Tour Divide Mountain Bike race is not your average event:

    in reply to: macs #20094

    Freshies is a good place to have people look at your mac. :lol:

    Otherwise I recommend Westworld Computers, Calgary 403-221-9499

    in reply to: Moose Killed at FAR #20021

    The moose was taken to Backcountry meats where the meat was packaged and sent to food banks in Elkford and Sparwood. :?

    Island Lake Lodge had moose issues again this year. They proactively developed moose trails and maintained their moose management with a record of zero moose kills. :D

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