Park Place Lodge

1) Development Variance Permits

Development Variance Permit No. 226 was approved for 902 4th Avenue to legalize the siting of the existing principal building, the maximum front step, eve and sundeck projections and to vary the minimum front and side yard setbacks and maximum parcel coverage from 35% to 42%.

Development Variance Permit No. 227 was approved for 171 2nd Avenue to legalize the siting of the existing principal building, the existing attached carport and the rear detached garage and further, to vary the maximum parcel coverage from 35% to 38%, the minimum front yard setbacks for the second story addition and the maximum front yard setbacks to accommodate the open porch, steps and eve projections.


2) 2009 Annual Report

            The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) provided an overview of the 2009 Annual Report. The Annual Report is one method of reporting the City’s activities and efforts and is intended to enhance accountability and understanding of municipal operations. The Report begins with messages from the Mayor and CAO, highlights

including the City of Fernie Vision, Mission and Values and the strategic objective, targets and measures for the City of Fernie for 2009 and 2010. The Report also includes an overview of 2008 municipal services and operations and a progress report respecting 2008 goals, strategies and measures, and the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2008 including the Auditor’s report, consolidated financial position, activities, cash flows, reserves, statutory reserves and equity in physical assets. The Report also contains un-audited statistical information for the previous five years and the City’s Five-Year Financial Plan and 2008 grant amounts, The report is available at City Hall or online at:


3) Community Futures East Kootenay

Mr. Rob Gay, General Manager of Community Futures East Kootenay provided an overview of the services provided by the Community Futures which include consultation, training, business loans and business planning guidance for local entrepreneurs. For more information about Community Futures, visit their website at or their offices located at 110A Slater Road, Cranbrook or call 1-800-661-2293.


4) Rio Tinto

Mr. Steve Hovis, Principal Geologist and Mr. Matt Jeschke, Regional Community Manager for Rio Tinto Exploration and Mr. Richard Prokopanko, Director, Government Relations with Rio Tinto Alcan were in attendance. Mr. Hovis provided an overview of Rio Tinto, the Crowsnest Coal Project, work completed in 2008 and the 2009 work plan which, as a result of the economic downturn, is minimal. Mr. Hovis also described geological problems to overcome in order to develop a viable mine and explained Rio Tinto’s commitment to communities and sustainability practices. A copy of the presentation is on the City of Fernie website at under the “News” section.


5) Notice of Lease approved for Fernie Creative Minds Preschool

Council authorized Notice of Intended Disposal (a lease) of a portion of Max Turyk School and Grounds to Heather Skaien dba Fernie Creative Minds Preschool. The lease, as proposed is for a period of one (1) year commencing August 1, 2009 with a right of renewal for five (5) additional one (1) year terms, at an initial rate of $4,755.36 per year plus additional rent, being a proportionate share of variable costs defined in the lease, in accordance with the requirements of the Community Charter. The lease will be returned after statutory notice for consideration of approval by Council.


6) Council Supports Joint Grant Application with College of the Rockies and Fernie Trail Alliance for Trails

Following a presentation by Ms. Leah Bradish, Manager of the College of the Rockies – Fernie and Elk Valley Campus and Ms. Amanda Ridgeway, Fernie Trail Alliance, Council agreed to support a joint application to the federally funded Community Adjustment Fund for a “Tourism through Trails” development project. The project, if successful in receiving grant funds, would receive an additional $20,000 from the City of Fernie (taken from the 2009 trails portion of the British Columbia Resort Municipalities hotel room tax transfer program) to support a comprehensive review of trails in and around Fernie. The review could include a trails inventory, needs and gap analysis, mountain bike and trail user profile, assessment of education needs for guides, instructors, trail building and maintenance as well as an economic study identifying commercial opportunities available in the Fernie area.


7) Arena Flooring Partnering Agreement

Council approved the Arena Flooring Partnering Agreement that outlines roles and responsibilities between the City of Fernie and the District of Sparwood concerning use, access and insurance for the arena flooring. The arena floor covering would allow arena facilities in Fernie and Sparwood to hold more events and potentially increase rental revenue and facility usage. The budget allocated to purchase the flooring, storage containers, storage racks is $150,000 with the cost being split equally between the District of Sparwood and the City of Fernie each contributing up to $75,000.


8) Special Occasion Liquor Licence Application Approved for Fernie Heritage Cemetery Restoration Society

Council approved the Special Occasion Liquor Licence Application for the Fernie Heritage Cemetery Restoration Society authorizing the Society to host a “Beer Garden” during Canada Day events held in Prentice Park on July 1st, 2009 as a fundraising activity. 


9) Draft Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Plan Endorsed.

Council endorsed the draft Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Plan presented by Ms. Megan Walsh. The draft plan outlines current City of Fernie and community emission levels and future projected emission trends. The plan further provides policy and practical recommendations for implementation. The plan sets out corporate goals for emission reductions to meet the requirements of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Partner for Climate Protection and may help the City meet its pledge under the Climate Action Charter to become carbon neutral. The plan also recommends public education and incentives that could be used to encourage residents to make changes to reduce emissions at the individual level.  

10) Fernie Economic Development Opportunity Identification Forum and Results of On-line Survey.

The report outlining results from the June 9th Fernie Economic Development Opportunities Identification Forum and Results from an On-line Survey, written by Mike Stolte of Mike Stolte and Associates was received by Council. The report highlights the three main projects that emerged from the forum which are a Gateway project to beautify the east entrance to the City including a partnership with the Grizzly Centre, affordable housing and opportunities to explore what might be done to achieve more affordable housing in the community and lastly, the possibility of establishing an Economic Development office or officer position to approach economic development from a regional perspective. The report can be viewed on the City of Fernie website at:


11) Bylaws


Bylaw No. 2103 cited as 2009-2013 Five Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2103 was granted first three readings.  This bylaw serves to amend 2009-2013 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2095 to include expenditures and offsetting funding for modifications to the Aquatic Centre chlorination system, the reconstruction of the centre gazebo at Rotary Park, the shared purchase of an arena floor with the District of Sparwood and works required to protect exposed water and sewer pipelines in the Elk River.   


Bylaw No. 2104 cited as Recreation Facility Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 2104 was granted first three readings.  This bylaw authorizes the expenditure of funds from the Recreation Facility Reserve to finance all, or a portion of, the replacement of the roofs over the Annex Room and the Zamboni Room at the Fernie Memorial Arena, modifications to the chlorination system at the Aquatic Centre and the shared purchase of an arena floor with the District of Sparwood.


Bylaw No. 2105 cited as the Tax Sale Property Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 2105 was granted first three readings.  This bylaw authorizes the expenditure of funds from the Tax Sale Property Reserve to finance a portion of the costs associated with the replacement of the roof at City Hall.


Bylaw No. 2106 cited as the Capital Works, Machinery and Equipment Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 2106 was granted first three readings. This bylaw authorizes the expenditure of funds from the Capital Works, Machinery and Equipment Reserve to finance a portion of the costs associated with the replacement of the roof at City Hall.



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