Following a public consultation period earlier this spring, the RDEK Board of Directors has reviewed the Revised Draft Short Term Rental (STR) Criteria and are now seeking public comment.

“Earlier this spring, staff undertook an initial community consultation process to share the proposed criteria for the implementation of STRs via Temporary Use Permits with stakeholders, STR operators and the public,” explains RDEK Planner Justin Cook. “We received well over 300 comments and appreciate the time and thoughtful comments provided. This feedback was considered by staff and are reflected in the latest Revised Criteria.”

One of the main changes includes differences between application types and costs for each type of STR Temporary Use Permit application. In addition, there are a number of revisions that have been made including changes to the maximum number of guests, allowing for additional guests in alpine resort and rural properties than in established neighbourhoods; revisions to off-street parking requirements; Floor/Fire Safety Plan requirements; additional requirements for use of fire pits; and, more.

The public comment period will be open until Noon on June 28. The comment form along with the Revised Criteria, newsletters and additional information is available on the project page at or by contacting the Planning & Development Services Department at the RDEK.

The comments received will be considered as the Criteria are finalized before being presented to the Board for review and consideration at the July 9 RDEK Board Meeting. The regulation of Short Term Rentals is anticipated to begin later this year.

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