The City of Fernie communicated that they modernized their water restrictions bylaws to provide enhanced protection for the water system, and ensure they can effectively provide good quality drinking water to meet the growing needs of the community well into the future.
This week Fernie City Council adopted new Waterworks and Water Conservation and Regulation Bylaws. As a result, Fernie is now under Stage 1 water restrictions. Due to reduced water levels at the Fairy Creek Reservoir, Stage 2 Outdoor Water Use Regulations came into effect on Friday, July 19th at 9:00 am.

Fernie is a significant water consumer, with green lawns being one of the primary reasons. Summers are getting hotter and drier, with reduced snowpack and extended periods of drought becoming more common. These bylaws aim to support water conservation and regulate use during hot, dry periods like the current conditions when demand exceeds capacity.
Summary of the New Bylaws:
• Staged Water Restrictions: These move from Stage 1 to Stage 4, limiting outdoor water use to specific days and times, becoming stricter as conditions worsen.
• Automatic Stage 1 Restrictions: These are in effect from March 1 to October 15 each year and escalate based on reservoir levels, creek flows that feed the source, demand exceeding capacity, and Provincial area drought declarations.
• Provisions Against Wasting Water: The City can address runoff, leaks, non-recirculating devices, and irrigation of impermeable surfaces like driveways and sidewalks.
• Exemptions for Food-Producing Gardens: Gardens growing food are exempt from these restrictions.
• Permits for New Plantings: Permits are available in Stages 1 and 2 for daily watering of new turf, grass seed, shrubs, and trees.
• Tiered Fines: Fines increase as the stages become more severe or for repeat offenses.
We all play a role in water conservation, please contribute.