Park Place Lodge

1.1 Local 2827 IAFF Collective Agreement Council approved the Mayor and Corporate Officer signing the 2012-2019 Collective Agreement between the Corporation of the City of Fernie and the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 2827.
1.2 Short-Term Rentals Council has directed Staff to prepare bylaw amendments to implement new Short-Term Rental (STR) regulations. Results from community engagement indicated that there is a clear desire in the City of Fernie for STR regulation. Administration has developed a framework for regulating STRs such that it encompasses the Official Community Plan, the experiences of other communities, independent research, and the views expressed through community engagement. This framework provides broad detail for a suite of bylaw, policy and procedural changes that will be required to enact practical Short-Term Rental Regulations for Fernie.
1.3 Fernie Distillers Lounge Endorsement Council has endorsed an application to allow Fernie Distillers to open a lounge inside its’ manufacturing site. The lounge will permit the sale and service of liquor for onsite consumption and allow the business to host special events. Council believes that Fernie Distillers will have a positive impact on the community, supporting the growth of tourism and economic diversity and enhancing the services already provided to locals and tourists.
2.1 Fernie Chamber of Commerce Council heard a presentation on the results of the Fernie Chamber of Commerce’s Fernie Staffing Survey Results -Summer 2017. Results indicate that Fernie businesses are having increasing difficulty to full time and part time staffing positions.

2.2 WildSafeBC Council heard a presentation on the benefits of bear resistant garbage and recycling dumpsters in reducing human and wildlife conflict. WildSafeBC proposed that all new residential developments use this style of garbage collection and offered other actions that would help reduce wildlife interaction. Council directed staff to conduct a report on the use of bear resistant containers in the outer limits of Fernie.
2.3 Station Square Council heard a report on the development of Station Square and the results of a public engagement session held on June 28, 2017.
Council directed the Beautification Committee to continue planning for Station Square development as a public plaza and directed staff to bring recommendations to Council in regards to the issue of parking.
3.1 Max Turyk Field Council has authorized an exemption to Bylaw No.2093, allowing a one-time application of herbicide to Max Turyk Field and surrounding turf area, prior to September 1, 2017.
This turf area is managed by the City of Fernie Leisure Services Department with the objective of protecting significant investment in the turf and ensuring safe recreational use.
4.1 BYLAW NO.2322 Council approved the application submitted by Montane Developments, Ltd. to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Section 4.2.16 Comprehensive Development One Zone, titled Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 186, Bylaw No. 2322. A Public Hearing will be scheduled for September 11, 2017.
5.1 UBCM GAS TAX AGREEMENT – COMMUNITY WORKS FUND The City of Fernie will be receiving $126,932.72 from the UBCM Community Works Fund (CWF). The CWF provides funds to support local priorities and is made available to eligible local governments by the Government of Canada.


6.1 CANCELLED MEETING August 28, 2017
6.2 Next Scheduled Council Meetings:
Monday, September 14, 2017 and Monday, October 10, 2017
– Committee of the Whole (COTW) 10:00am
– Regular Meeting of Council 7:00pm

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