1.1 Lease Agreement with the Fernie Curling Club for the Fernie Memorial Arena. Council authorized that the lease agreement between the City of Fernie and the Fernie Curling Club, for a portion of the Fernie Memorial Arena, be executed for the period from November 15, 2014 to April 15, 2015 at a specified monthly lease payment of $1,440.00.
1.2 Partnering Agreement with Resorts of the Canadian Rockies – Fernie Alpine Resort for a New Year’s Eve Fireworks Display. Council authorized notice of its intention to enter into a 3-year partnering agreement with Resorts of the Canadian Rockies – Fernie Alpine Resort for the provision of a New Year’s Eve fireworks display to occur in 2014, 2015 and 2016 at the resort, providing for an annual payment of $1,000.00 by the City to the Resort from the Province’s Resort Municipality Initiative.
2.1 Streets & Traffic Bylaw No. 1400, Amendment #4, Bylaw No. 2267, 2014 received first three readings. The bylaw proposes to amend the impound fee collected for vehicles towed by the City and to add a 10% administrative fee.
2.2 Sewer Connection and User Charge Bylaw No. 1593, Amendment No.8, Bylaw No. 2268, 2014 and Water Connection and User Charge Bylaw No. 1594, Amendment No.12, Bylaw No. 2269, 2014 each received first three readings. The current water & sewer rates were approved for use up to and including December 31, 2014. The proposed amendments will set the user fees to be charged effective January 1, 2015.
3.1 Downtown Mobile Street Vendors Task Force Community-at-Large Appointment. Council appointed Julie Comete as a representative of the community at large to the Downtown Mobile Street Vendors Task Force.
3.2 Koocanusa Transfer Bin. Council supported the request from the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) for the Koocanusa transfer bin and consider funding during the budget process.
3.3 November is Adoption Awareness Month in BC. The month offers an opportunity to celebrate the many families in the province that have opened their hearts and homes through adoption, and to highlight the need for more families to consider adopting. If you have general questions or enquiries please connect through MCF.AdoptionsBranch@gov.bc.ca.
4.1 Next Regular Meeting and Committee of the Whole (COTW) is scheduled for November 27, 2014. COTW to commence at 10:00am and the Regular Council meeting at 7:00pm. Council meetings are streamed live or can be viewed on-demand on the City’s website or watched on Shaw TV Channel 10 at 3:30pm on Tuesdays and 11:00am on Thursdays.
4.2 Deadline to apply for Grant Funding is Friday, October 14, 2014 @ 5:00pm is the last day for community groups and organizations submit their application for grant funding for the 2015 budget year.
4.3 George Majic Spiritus Award. The deadline for to submit your nominations for the George S. Majic Spiritus Award is 5:00PM, Monday, November 17, 2014. The award is presented annually to a person, or persons, who have demonstrated outstanding characteristics of community commitment. Through their contributions they enhance, honor community values, enrich our community as a whole and exemplify the spirit of giving without any desire for recognition or reward.
4.4 West Fernie Boundary Extension. The City of Fernie issued a press release today announcing that they have applied to the Ministry of Community and Rural Development, Local Government Structure Branch to extend their municipal boundary to include the West Fernie area. For more information on the process, please visit the Proposed West Fernie Boundary Extension webpage.
4.5 Liquid Waste Management Plan. The City of Fernie issued a press release announcing that they have applied to the Ministry of Environment for approval of the City’s Liquid Waste Management Plan. For more information on the process and public engagement that the City has undertaken as part of the process for this project, please visit the Liquid Waste Management Plan webpage.
4.6 Fernie Memorial Arena Schedule Change. Please take note that public skating has been cancelled for November 14, 15 and 16, 2014 due to upcoming Fernie Minor Hockey Tournaments. Also note that public skating has been cancelled during the Fernie Ghostrider home games. Please see the game schedule at www.fernie.com/events/
4.7 2014 Local General Election is on Saturday, November 15, 2014 at the Seniors’ Centre. Visit the 2014 Local General Election webpage for elector eligibility or contact the Chief Election Officer, Kevin Allen at 250 423.6817 ext. 121 or by email at chiefelectionofficer@fernie.ca.
Download the detailed document here: 2014-11-10 Council Connection
Overnight | 24h | 48h | 7 days |
0 cm | 0 cm | 0 cm | 2 cm |
0.0 in | 0.0 in | 0.0 in | 0.8 in |
Base | This Season |
178 cm | 461 cm |
70.1 in | 181.5 in |
Featured Event
Booked! Fernie Writers' Series: Karl Subban
Location: Fernie Heritage Library
Date: 23/01/2025
Time: 16:00 - 21:00