1.1 Development Variance Permit No. 347 for 592-9th Avenue
Council authorized the issuance of Development Variance Permit Application No. DVP-347. The landowner proposes to construct a secondary detached dwelling unit and detached garage. Therefore, has requested a variance to the minimum rear yard siting
requirement as well, variances to the maximum projections into the required minimum rear yard for an eave on the secondary
detached dwelling unit and sundeck attached to the south side of the secondary detached dwelling unit and detached garage respectively.
1.2 Sidewalk Patio Permits and Licence of Occupation for 531 2nd Avenue, Nevados Restaurant & OPA-10 and Licence of Occupation for 561A 2nd Avenue, Lunch Box. Council authorized the disposition of City property located adjacent to the above noted businesses by way of a Licence of Occupation for a specified fee of $10.00 Per square Meter for a tree (3) year term to operate an outdoor patio, on a portion of the municipal road and or sidewalk adjacent to the building.
1.3 Special Occasion Liquor License (Fernie Old School Boxing Club)
Subject to approval of the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch (LCLB) and providing proof of insurance, Council will approve the special occasion licence for the Fernie Old School Boxing Club to operate a beverage garden and consume alcohol in a beer garden at the Fernie Memorial Arena (991 6th Avenue) on Saturday, June 14, from 7:00 – 11:00pm. Council authorized Club to use a portion of the Arena for the purpose of operating a beverage garden during the Amateur Boxing Tournament.
1.4 Video Surveillance System Policy
Council postponed consideration of the Video Surveillance System Policy until the June 23, 2014 Committee of the Whole.
2.1Bylaw No. 2237, cited as Zoning Bylaw No. 1750,
Amendment Bylaw No. 158, Bylaw No. 2237, 2013 Council authorized adoption of the Bylaw, which proposes to amend Zoning Bylaw No. 1750 by rezoning an approximate 0.195 hectare portion of the subject Block B from RR – Rural Residential to R1B – Single Detached Plus Residential, an approximate 0.048 hectare portion of the subject Block B from RR – Rural Residential to P2 – Parks and Open Spaces and an approximate 0.152 hectare portion of the subject Block B from RR – Rural Residential to PP – Private Parks.
3.1 2014 Annual General Meeting (AGM) Date
The Annual General Meeting for the City of Fernie will be held on Wednesday, June 25, 2014 at 10:00am in Council Chambers.
3.2   2014 – 2018 Corporate Strategic Plan
Council adopted the 2014-2018 Corporate Strategic Plan. The Corporate Strategic Plan identifies Council’s goals and objectives for the next 4 ½ years.  The goals describe Council’s desired future end state that is supportive of the City’s mission and vision and shape the way we have identified our actions.
3.3 Food Trucks Operating in Downtown Fernie
Following a discussion as to whether food trucks have a place in the city’s downtown core. Council directed to staff to contact Mr. Abugov and advise him that this is issue part of our Strategic Plan to address mobile vending trucks and further, that he will be invited to join in the process.
3.4 Request from the Fernie Ghostriders to Install an ATM at the Fernie Memorial Arena Council authorized the City to enter into an agreement with the Fernie Ghostriders to Install an ATM at the Fernie Memorial Arena. Email from the Fernie Ghostriders
3.5 Letter of Support – ERA – Community based water monitoring in Lizard and Alexander Creek Council authorized staff to forward a letter of support for the Elk River Alliance’s Environment Initiatives Small Grant Application to the Columbia Basin Trust. Email from Lee-Anne Walker | Elk River Alliance – Community Based Water Quality Monitoring Report Report
3.6 Bicycle Parking in the Historic Downtown
Council gave direction to staff to notify business owners on 2nd Avenue of their intention to supply on-street ‘corral’ style bicycle parking. Their intention is to have twenty-two (22) bicycle racks at an appropriate total cost of $31,218.00 in or to construct eleven (11) on-street ‘corral’ style bicycle parking as delineated in Appendix A attached to the staff report. Funding for this project shall be funded from the Downtown Parking Strategy Implementation Budget
Further to this Council also approved the proposed locations for the additional five (5) handicapped parking stalls.and further, directed staff to install the handicap parking signage and demarcation in accordance with Appendix A.
RTC from the Director of Corporate Administration Services


4.1 Next Regular Meeting and Committee of the Whole (COTW) is scheduled for June 9, 2014. COTW to commence at 10:00am and Regular Council meeting at 7:00pm.
4.2 Public Hearings will be held on June 9, 2014 @ 7:00pm to receive submissions from the public respecting matters contained in:
4.3 Notice of Disposition – Sidewalk Patio Permit/Licence of Occupation for The Fernie Hotel & Pub (691 1st Avenue) Council will consider giving notice of its intention to dispose of its interests in land by way of issuance of a Licence of Occupation to operate an outdoor patio, for the term of three (3) years on a portion of the municipal road and or sidewalk adjacent to the building.
4.4 Pool Closure Notice – The Aquatic Centre facility will be closed to the public for annual facility maintenance starting May 24 through to July 4, 2014 The will open again with their Summer Schedule July 5, 2014.
4.5 Tennis courts at James White Park will be closed from May 27, 2014 to June 10, 2014 for maintenance.
4.6 Sandbag Access at Public Works Yard
With the potential for seasonal spring flooding, the City of Fernie is encouraging residents in flood prone areas to take steps now to protect their homes and properties if they feel they may be at risk. Sandbag Access at Public Works Yard
The City has set up a self-filling sandbagging station outside of the Public Works Yard located at 1492 Railway Avenue. You will need to bring your own shovel(s, ties and other supplies necessary to fill the bags and transport them.
Additional information on the current flood situation and sandbagging can be located on EMBC’s website at: www.embc.gov.bc.ca/em/floods/index.html.
Please monitor the latest weather forecasts and warnings from Environment Canada at weather.gc.ca.  
• Latest information is always available here: http://www.weather.gc.ca/warnings/index_e.html
• Latest Elk Valley Alerts
4.7 How Well Are We Doing? We at the City of Fernie are committed to providing top-quality public service. Please let us know how we are doing by completing this quick survey.
This survey will remain open until 9:00AM on Friday, June 6, 2014.  Results from this survey will be included in the 2013/14 Annual Municipal Report.
Download the detailed report here: 2014-04-28 Council Connection

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