1. UBCM Strategic Wildfire Prevention Operational Fuel Treatment Program
In 2010 the Tri-Regional Districts applied for and received funding through the Federal Job Opportunities program (JOP) to undertake fuel treatment programs throughout the Kootenays. Fernie was slated to undertake their program this past spring but just as work was to begin the program was cancelled due to a funding shortfall.
Council endorsed the grant application for the UBCM Strategic Wildfire Prevention Operational Fuel Treatment Program and committed to the necessary program management and related reporting requirements.
If the application is approved, Council also approved that B.A. Blackwell and Associates be awarded a contract to manage and oversee the treatment program including writing a Request for Proposal, selecting the successful candidate, ensuring the work is completed according to the fuel prescription and writing a final report for UBCM. The prescriptions and area mapping to be used were completed under the former grant process. If this application is successful these funds would be used to treat the 10.2 hectares of forested Municipal land identified in the Ridgemont Area.
2. Fernie Writers Conference – Special Occasion Liquor Licence Application
Council authorized the application put forward by the Fernie Writers Conference to operate a cash bar selling beer and wine at the Opening Reception to be held at the Fernie Heritage Library on Sunday, July 17 from 5:30 –
8:30 p.m. subject to City receiving revised certificate of insurance by July 15.
3. Victoria Avenue Initiative – Wednesday Socials &
Special Occasion Liquor Licence Application
Council authorized the application put forward by the above noted group to operate a beer garden on July 20, August 3, August 17 and August 31, 2011 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. subject to proof of comprehensive general liability insurance.
4. Letter to Highway 3 Mayors and Chairs Committee
Council will be forwarding a letter to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure detailing specific safety concerns on Highway 3 at Dicken Road, Vanlerberg Road, Lizard Creek Bridge and the Fairy Creek Bridge.
Council is requesting that MOT take actions to resolve the dangerous conditions at these sites along Highway 3.
Overnight | 24h | 48h | 7 days |
0 cm | 0 cm | 0 cm | 9 cm |
0.0 in | 0.0 in | 0.0 in | 3.5 in |
Base | This Season |
197 cm | 453 cm |
77.6 in | 178.3 in |
Featured Event
Spilling Tea - A Drag & Comedy Show
Location: Knox on 2nd
Date: 10/01/2025
Time: 19:30 - 22:30