1.1. Development Variance Permit No. DVP-337 varied the maximum sundeck projection into the required front yard setback at 34 Ridgemont Drive for the relocation of an existing sundeck. Permit was issued following the Hearing, where no public submissions were received.
1.2. Development Variance Permit No. DVP-340 varied the minimum parcel area for a single family dwelling from 550m2 to 527.55m2 and the minimum side yard (from 1.83m to 1.5m) and rear yard (from 1.5m to 0m) setbacks at 391-3rd Avenue for a two car and four car detached garages. Permit was issued following the Hearing, where no public submissions were received.
1.3. Development Variance Permits No.’s DVP – 251, 254, 255, 256, 257 (Riverside Mountain Village) proposes to legalize Strata Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 by varying their minimum parcel area and the minimum front parcel line and to legalize the siting of the five existing Miners’ Village houses and the maximum open porch projection (if applicable). Council will consider issuance of the permit at the regular meeting on September 9, 2013. (See item 2.1 for more information)
1.4. Development Variance Permit No. DVP-338 proposes to legalize the current siting of the existing two-storey building along the west property line (from 3.5m to 1. 77m) and vary the maximum sundeck projection along a portion of the west property line) into the required rear yard (from 1.3m to 3.73m) at 642-2nd Avenue in order to facilitate the construction of a dwelling unit and construct a new sundeck. Council will consider issuance of the permit following an Informal Hearing to be held on September 9, 2013 where Council will receive resident feedback.
2.1. Bylaw No. 2118, cited as Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 101, 2010 (Riverside Mountain Village) was adopted. The Bylaw rezoned Lot 1, District Lot 5237, Kootenay District, Plan NEP68428 except Strata Plan NES2322 (Phase 1) and NEP77950 and Strata Lots 1 to 16, District Lot 5237, Kootenay District, Strata Plan NES2322 together with an interest in the common property in proportion to the unit entitlement of the strata lot as shown on Form V from R3 – Medium Density Residential to R1SL – Single Family Residential Small Lot. (See item 1.3 for more information)
2.2. Bylaw No. 2219, cited as Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 150, 2013 was adopted. The bylaw rezoned the property at 762 – 3rd Avenue from C1 – Retail Commercial to R1 – Single Family Residential.
2.3. Bylaw No. 2226, cited as 2013 – 2017 Five Year Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2226 was adopted. The bylaw increased the expenditure budget for Capital works by $156,282 and increased the revenue budget for Transfers from Reserves & Surplus (Facility Renovation/Repair Reserve) by $156,282 to accommodate for the purchase and installation of site enhancements and expansion of the playing area of the Max Turyk Soccer Field project.
2.4. Bylaw No. 2225, cited as Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 152, 2013 received third reading and referral to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval following the Public Hearing that was convened to receive comments from residents (no public submissions were received). The Bylaw proposes to rezone the property at 1121-2nd Avenue from R1 – Single Family Residential and C2 – Neighbourhood Commercial to R1SL – Single Family Residential Small Lot. If adopted the landowner will be able to remove the existing modular home and replace it with a new, more accessible modular home.
3.1. Paperless Council Meetings – Council authorized the purchase iPads, portfolio cases and stylus pens for each member of Council and the Senior Management Team and one (1) laptop computer. The purchase of computer hardware for paperless agendas was identified under the 2013-2017 Corporate Strategic Plan for implementation during the summer of 2013.
3.2. Release the City of Fernie’s Options to Purchase for Lots 12 and 13, DL 4136, K.D. Plan 12864 Council authorized to release the City of Fernie’s options to purchase the above noted lots in the Ghostrider Subdivision to accommodate the consolidation of the two lots. The option was intended to ensure that purchasers completed construction and that the lots were not purchased for land speculation.
3.3. Mixed Martial Arts Council endorsed the Fernie Ghostrider Junior Hockey Club’s hosting a Mixed Martial Arts event and directed staff to work with the promoter and the Fernie Ghostrider Junior Hockey Club to ensure that a formal security plan is in place, that liquor sales is limited to three hour service, and that the event is limited to a maximum of ten fights.
4.1. Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia to Undertake Official Visit to Fernie
Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia
The Honourable Judith Guichon, OBC
The Honourable Judith Guichon, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia, will be visiting communities throughout the East Kootenays this fall. Council invites you to join them in welcoming Her Honour to Fernie at a public reception to be held:
Wed. September 4, 2013 @ Fernie Heritage Library, 5–7pm
4.2 National Western Regional Mine Rescue Competition – Eleventh Biennial, 2013
September 6th – Underground Competition to be held at the Fernie Memorial Arena / Curling Club/ Community Centre
♣ September 7th – Surface Competition to be held at the Max Turyk School.
For details click here: 2013-08-26 Council Connection
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0 cm | 0 cm | 2 cm | 8 cm |
0.0 in | 0.0 in | 0.8 in | 3.1 in |
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Fernie Hot Dog Day
Location: Fernie Alpine Resort
Date: 02/04/2025
Time: 13:00 - 23:30