2011 – 2015 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2154
The 2011 – 2015 Financial Plan Bylaw is the culmination of a comprehensive and consultative budget process that began in the fall of 2010. The budget process is the mechanism for determining the revenue requirements and resource allocations that ultimately inform the decision on municipal tax rates.
The revenues and expenditures summarized in the 2011-2015 Financial Plan Bylaw have been set with the objective of maintaining a fair, equitable and stable level of tax collection that will allow the municipality to continue to provide a high level of quality services to the tax payer.
A Special Meeting will be held on April 26, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. during which the public is invited to review and provide input into the Financial Plan prior to the adoption of the bylaw. Copies of the
2011 – 2015 Five Year Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2154 are available on the City’s website www.fernie.ca and at City Hall.
Gas Tax Agreement – General Strategic Priorities and Innovations Funds – Grant Application for Fernie’s Official Community Plan: Creating a Sustainable World-Class Community and Destination
Council endorsed a resolution authorizing the Whistler Centre for Sustainability to apply for funding from the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) Strategic Priorities Fund and Innovations Fund in the amount of $125,000 on its behalf to complete the OCP update. The Application seeks to obtain funding from the Gas Tax Agreement’s Capacity Building and Integrated Community Sustainability Planning Projects funding stream for $125,000 towards an estimated project cost of $175,000.
If the application is approved, the project would result in a comprehensively updated OCP for the City of Fernie that is systemically aligned and integrated with the City’s Integrated Community Sustainability Plan (ICSP).
Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives Funding Recommendations
On April 5, 2011 Council heard presentations from community groups applying for funding under the Columbia Basin Trust Community Initiatives and Affected Areas program. At the Regular Meeting held April 11, 2011, Council ratified its funding allocations and recommended the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) endorse the funding levels as allocated by Council.
Similar review and recommendation processes are occurring in other communities in the RDEK. Once all communities have forwarded their recommendations to the RDEK, the RDEK Board will consider the recommendations and forward its approval of recommendations to the Columbia Basin Trust who will confirm with groups if their applications were successful and what amount, if any, was awarded.
The recommendation endorsed by Council was as follows:
Organization / Sponsored Organization Recommended
Area Funding
Baynes Lake Park & Recreation Society
(Cranbrook & District 4-H Council) 500.00
BC SPCA East Kootenay Branch 1,500.00
Bootleg Sled Dog Race Society
(East Kootenay Friends of Children) 200.00
Canadian Red Cross Society – Youth Equipment (HELP) 1,690.00
Canadian Red Cross Society – Equipment Audit 318.75
Columbia Basin Family Resource Society –
Community Connections Society Of Southeast BC 2,500.00
Cranbrook & District Community Foundation –
District of Sparwood – Ghostrider Summer Camp 900.00
East Kootenay Brain Injury Association 1,500.00
Elk Valley Critical Incident Response Team 2,500.00
Elk Valley Society for Community Living 3,000.00
Fernie & District Arts Council – Reel Canadian Film Festival 3,000.00
Fernie & District Arts Council – Theatrical Development Program 4,000.00
Fernie & District Historical Society
(Miners Walk Exhibit Steering Committee) 7,013.92
Fernie & District Historical Society – Power of Place: Ski Hill Memories 3,000.00
Fernie Childcare Society 4000.00
Fernie Heritage Cemetery Restoration Society 1,000.00
Fernie Mountain Music Festival Society 7,000.00
Fernie Public Library Association
(Fernie MOMS Group) 2,000.00
Fernie Women’s Resource and Drop in Center 1,622.50
Fernie Writers Conference Society 2,500.00
Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC –
I.D.E.A.L. – Circular Community Arts & Wellness Events Building 500.00
I.D.E.A.L. – Summer School of Music 1,000.00
Kimberley Disabled Skiers Association 1,500.00
Kootenay Carshare Cooperative 1,240.00
Kootenay Columbia Caregivers Association 500.00
Kootenay Power Boat Association –
Options for Sexual Health –
Rockies Institute Society –
Special Olympics British Columbia Elk Valley 800.00
Wildsight – Elk Valley Branch – Growing Gardens 2,250.00
Wildsight – Kimberley / Cranbrook Branch – Beyond Recycling 2,000.00

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