Park Place Lodge

Reduce the Risk of Wildfire

For the past couple of years, Fernie residents have helped mitigate wildfire by reducing fuels in overgrown areas in and around their homes.

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Griz Days Gone Plaid 2018

The Fernie Griz has embraced the hipster and is getting the entire town to get their “cool” on as part of this year’s Griz Days Gone Plaid celebration from March 2 – 4.

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BC Family Day Moving

With the NDP’s moving of BC’s Family Day to coincide with the Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Montana holiday, in 2019 Fernie residents will have to contend with the busiest weekend of the year.

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Elk Valley Environmental Grants Announced

These projects will make a difference in improving terrestrial and aquatic habitat, helping communities adapt to climate change, monitoring water resources and engaging Basin residents in environmental stewardship

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Free Youth Leadership event

Youth aged 14 to 18 from around the Columbia Basin are invited to apply to attend the Leadership Summit in Kimberley on May 4 to 6, 2018 where they will strengthen their abilities, learn about themselves and their communities, and have fun!

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