Ghostriders resign Jeff Wagner

The Fernie Ghostriders are pleased to announce that Jeff Wagner has accepted a new two year deal to Coach and Manage the Fernie Ghostriders.

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Projects to Get Kids Active

Children and youth will be growing their confidence and getting healthier thanks to 34 projects receiving over $500,000 from Columbia Basin Trust’s Basin PLAYS Capital Improvement Grants.

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Opinion: Fernie clear-cuts

I would caution the public to think about the repercussions of causing grief and bad publicity to these private companies that have the right to do log as they want as they might just stop all use of their lands.

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Fernie’s Public Safety Sector receives support

Through public safety programs, non-profit organizations provide emergency and lifesaving services including search and rescue activities, volunteer fire departments, emergency preparedness, community and restorative justice for people in this province.

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FSA Keeping Snowmobilers Happy

The Fernie Snowmobile Association has returned to their regularly scheduled grooming program. The Morrissey snowcat is back in action following […]

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The Sounds of the Times

This is the music of my youth. In a rail park that last year played rap. The Deer is slow, but the ride was just right.

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