The B.C. government has closed all parks and is restricting camping and motorized recreation throughout the entire Koocanusa Recreation Strategy area this spring and summer.
The Koocanusa Recreation Strategy, a living document, was developed to foster more sustainable and responsible recreation on Crown lands, while providing opportunities for local stakeholders and stewardship groups to play key roles in recreation management.
KV Properties Inc. is comprised of predominantly Fernie and East Kootenay investors and lake Koocanusa recreationalists, with the largest shareholder being Reto Barrington.
Last week, the B.C. government released its review of the professional reliance system, a system that has put industry in charge of water, fish and wildlife in British Columbia.
Teck is making available the data and results of ongoing water quality research and monitoring undertaken as part of the Elk Valley Water Quality Plan to broadly share the knowledge and information gained through this work.