The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) has opened the public comment period for its Draft 2025-2029 Five-Year Financial Plan following the initial review by the Board of Directors.
Each year, the financial planning process begins in September, with extensive preparation leading to the draft plan’s presentation in February. The first review of the 2025-2029 Draft Financial Plan was completed last week, and updates based on Board discussions have now been incorporated. The plan is available for public review and feedback.
The Financial Plan details how tax dollars will be allocated across 115 services provided by the RDEK. The 2025 budget includes $11,972,782 in capital projects, covering key initiatives such as:
• Final completion of the Cold Spring Creek Debris Flow Mitigation Project
• Fernie Valley Pathway
• Jaffray Trail
• Edgewater Connectivity Project
• Fire engine replacements in Panorama, Hosmer, and Baynes Lake
• Wycliffe Park Campground completion
• Hosmer Fire Hall and Elko Fire Hall Expansion
A Budget Snapshot has been prepared to summarize key highlights of the 2025 budget. This summary provides an overview, while the full draft plan is available for download and review. For residents without computer access, hard copies can be provided upon request.
The draft 2025 operating budget for shared services is $29,505,225, which would result in a $22 increase over last year on the average residential property valued at $596,000.
The regional district financing model in British Columbia adds complexity to the budgeting process, as municipalities and electoral areas are impacted differently depending on which RDEK services they receive. It is also important to note that the RDEK’s budget affects only the RDEK-specific line items on tax notices, not the overall tax bill. Other provincial taxes and the Hospital District levy generally make up a larger portion of property tax bills. A sample tax notice has been included in the Budget Snapshot to help clarify this breakdown.
The public consultation project page includes an overview of the budget, the comment form, the full Draft Five-Year Financial Plan, and contact information for those with questions. The documents and links are as follows:
Project Page: Includes an overview, comment form, and full financial plan.
Budget Snapshot: A summary of key highlights from the 2025 budget.
Direct Link to the Comment Form
Full Draft Five-Year Financial Plan: This document is bookmarked for easier navigation. Users may need to enable bookmarks in their browser to access the different sections.
The deadline for public comments is NOON on Monday, March 10. Further discussions on the Five-Year Financial Plan will take place during the March 13 Committee Meetings, with the final adoption scheduled for March 14.
For more information or to submit comments, see the above links or contact the Cranbrook office.