Park Place Lodge

By Keith Liggett

So someone’s switched the drink at RCR’s Calgary headquarters from Kool-Aid to Red Bull. On November 1, 2021, they took a covid position above and beyond BC Health’s requirements. To ski at Fernie this season, you must be fully vaccinated.

La dee da.

You don’t need much of a memory to recall last year and RCR’s soft position on the BC Health’s covid restriction with non-essential travel put in place by Dr. Bonnie Henry. Soft could be defined as non-complicit, tickets were sold to everyone-the resort was jammed. In early January, I wrote a column noting RCR’s disregard for BC Provincial health policy.

The suits in Calgary were not amused by my column. They pulled my media ski pass and then fired me from ski school. Yep, the Ski School Director was told she couldn’t issue me a staff pass. (Same goes for this year, too.) That seems a just a little harsh. Was the photo of the red-plates excessive?

But this year’s different. RCR has seen the light.

Or have they?

I don’t know what caused the suits (not skiers) in RCR’s Calgary office to realize the covid pandemic was an issue (after a year and a half), but we should be thankful that there’s awareness of something beyond the Benjamins in the office.

Or maybe they did the simple math. And it is simple. In a time of worker shortages, to station someone at every entrance to an inside venue to check passports open-to-close would be very expensive. It’s simply easier to be progressive and require a vaccinated clientele. And far cheaper.

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