The Future Of Forests In British Columbia
Areas clearcut across B.C. between 2005 and 2017 total 3.6 million hectares, a combined area larger than Vancouver Island.

Winter arrived with 64cms of snow
Winter arrived in Fernie with 64 cm of new snow in the last seven days and it’s still snowing. Fernie [...]

Fernie Live Christmas Tree Options
Live Christmas trees are a renewable and biodegradable natural resource and there are a number of environmentally-friendly ways to dispose of them after the holidays.

Old Growth Forests Need Your Help
Old growth forests in the Kootenays at risk. The time to act is now. Tell BC to end the logging of old growth forests.

Creating Destinations to be Desired
This summer, an enthusiastic group of youth gave a helping hand to these types of places in the Basin, improving the condition of several remote, high-use locations.

Fernie Trails Ridgemont Update
The City of Fernie and the Fernie Trails Alliance has collaborated to provide City-owned land to open a couple of green and family-friendly loops outside of the Ridgemont closure area.

Input requested on Private Managed Forest
If you live in the Elk Valley, you most likely have observed the extensive clear-cut logging that has been occurring throughout the valley.

Fernie Trails Update
The good news is that most of Fernie Trails are open and in excellent condition!

Caribou Recovery Initiatives
This strong model for caribou recovery must be expanded beyond the Peace region to all remaining mountain caribou in BC. And time is running out.

Canfor closes Snowmobile Trail without notification
It is disheartening to hear that a legally established trail managed under Partnership Agreement with the Province of BC has again been plowed out with zero communication

Zoning to Create an Industrial Balance
That is why we need to slow things down, sit back and look at the future. To take in the view and decide what we want for our community going forward.

Industrialization of the Elk Valley
The industrial rape and pillage lies on the right-hand side of the river.