Park Place Lodge


Flathead Feast

Almost 100 people gathered at the Canada-U.S. border in the Flathead River Valley for the ‘Flathead Feast’ on Monday, August […]

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You make Fernie proud

Early this month I received a call from local resident Mike Delich asking me to assist in the planning of […]

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Fernie in Bloom

Growing up in Fernie lush gardens were commonplace. Everyone grew vegetables in the back yard and people like my father […]

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Fernie Council Meeting

1) Terry Fox Run for Cancer Research Council received a letter of request form Ms. Jennifer Parker this year’s organizer […]

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Fernie is yours to explore

Golfing? Fishing? Zipping? Rafting? Climbing? Shopping? So many choices. So much fun to be had! Spend some quality time in […]

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BC Chamber Supports Jumbo

As you are aware the BC Chamber of Commerce recently took a public position supporting the announcement by the government […]

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The Lynchs

Shelley Lynch may be from a small Canadian town but there is nothing small about the talent this singer-songwriter has […]

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Fernie Council Meeting

1) 2011-2012 Annual Report Council approved the 2011- 2012 Annual Report A copy can be found online at or […]

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