Park Place Lodge


Category 2 open burns to be prohibited

Effective at noon Pacific time on Monday, July 29, 2019, Category 2 open burning will be prohibited throughout the Southeast Fire Centre’s jurisdiction, including the Rocky Mountain Natural Resource District, the Selkirk Natural Resource District, the Elk Valley and South Country.

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Regional Credit Unions potential merger

The Board of Directors for each of the six credit unions considering a merger – Columbia Valley Credit Union, East Kootenay Community Credit Union, Grand Forks Credit Union, Heritage Credit Union, Kootenay Savings Credit Union and Nelson & District Credit Union – reviewed and analyzed the merger business case.

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Fernie Trails Ridgemont Update

The City of Fernie and the Fernie Trails Alliance has collaborated to provide City-owned land to open a couple of green and family-friendly loops outside of the Ridgemont closure area.

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