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  • in reply to: Word association #18773


    in reply to: FAR rumoured to be installing NEW LIFT #19917

    If by "people of good will trying to make it work" you mean CHINA,
    then your right!
    This place would be just another BC ghost town if it wasn’t for them.

    in reply to: Buying skis and the lift? #20164

    Just so you know, idoasiwant has no idea what he’s talking about. The lifts are NOT falling down and dangerous! This comment is coming from idoasiwant who oviously has no idea what hes talking about. The ski lifts are beyond safe… we all ride them everyday with complete confidence.

    The story he has about the Timber coming off it`s anchor bolts is a complete lie. idoasiwant, please tell us who the name of your “friend that works on them is… I`m sure i`ll know him. And the comment of “They also like to not run the lifts on some of the biggest powder days of the year because of their worry’s about being SUED“ is ridiculous. Come on…. where are you getting these facts from…. They are all wrong…

    I`m sure idoasiwant will come back with a comment…. telling me to go f—- myself but this is expected from the kind of people like idoasiwant. I am sure you“ll be able to tell everything he says is b.s. by his….. “i heard“ and his “somebody told mè` and “i was talking to“ and “from what i hear is“

    P.S. idoasiwant, please can we have your name, where your from and the name of the person you know working on the ski lifts….. thanks Mike S.

    in reply to: Moose Killed at FAR #20029

    All responses to Sydneysider on the above post should be directed to:

    Contact me at

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    +1 (408) 212-077


    +44 7924 825231



    as seen on: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9505&p=17311#p17311

    in reply to: Moose Killed at FAR #20027

    Yes, humans are animals. The human’s phylum is Chordata (vertebrate). The human’s class is mammalia. It’s order is primate (the same as apes). It’s family is Hominidae (apes that have no tail and can gather food with their hands.) The Human’s sub-family is Homininae. It’s tribe is Hominini. It’s genus is Homo and it’s specie is scientifically named Homo Sapiens.

    If you think you were made from a rib, broken off from Adam, I am sorry you don’t think better of yourself.

    in reply to: Moose Killed at FAR #19999

    Happens all of the time. If a non-legal animal is accidentally shot during hunting season, and the hunter reports himself, the C.O. harvests the meat and brings the meat to the butcher. Not sure who pays. I would think that the butcher does not do the butchering for free, but not 100% sure about that. The food bank does accept the meat. One of the things that people are over looking, is the state the moose was in. Total panic. Usually the moose stay out in Fish Bowl for the winter, and head back into Cedar and Lizard Bowl for the summer. A large avalanche, and deep snow pack had pushed the moose out of Fish Bowl.

    Here’s an article of a C.O. shot moose brought to food bank in Prince George … 12739.html

    Here’s the form allowing food banks to possess wild meat for Sustenance … dlife.html

    in reply to: Moose Killed at FAR #20020

    1.One of the greatest risks to wildlife is habitat loss and degradation. People that are criticizing RCR over the moose, but develope, trade, and sell real-estate are hypocrites. When you develop a new subdivision or build a new house (habitat) for one animal (us) you take habitat (forest) from other animals (moose) you are contributing to the greatest cause of animal destruction.
    2.Guranteed 100% that the moose went straight to back country meats for butchering before being divided up into the food banks. The entire moose was used, not pushed over the bank like some would suggest.
    3.RCR DOES NOT make any decisions, when it comes to wildlife. The conservation officer does a case study, weighs his options and decides what’s best for the animal. NOT what’s best for RCR’s guests, or whats best to get Ceadar Bowl open. If the animal acts "out of the ordinary" aggressive then the C.O. makes a decision. The C.O. has no interest in RCR. His only interest in the animals welfare and the publics safety. The moose was in complete destress most of the time.

    in reply to: why we fight for libya #19958

    The youth of Libya is why.

    the website also think that the U.S. millitary caused the earthquake in Japan! Nice… here’s the article..

    give me a break.

    in reply to: Moose Killed at FAR #20013

    You CAN’T heard a Moose.
    You CAN heard people.

    in reply to: Tubing in fernie? #19535
    in reply to: Word association #18755


    in reply to: Word association #18752


    in reply to: Hiking? #19584

    "people have been hiking the ski hill before it opens since the beginning of time" = EVERYBODYS DOING IT

    "If the ski hill would open when there is enough snow to ski on there wouldn’t be this problem." = IT’S THEIR FAULT I’M TRESSPASSING

    "And if they aren’t opening when conditions permit maybe they shouldn’t be posting photos and videos of people skiing early season prior to the lifts opening."==============IF I COULD, I’D TOTALLY POST A YOUTUBE VID OF ME POACHING WHILE TRESSPASSSING"

    "People are going to continue to hike the ski hill if there is enough snow to ski, there isn’t much that can be done." = WHAT ARE THEY GONNA DO, BAN ME?

    " Don’t ski gnarly terrain where you could cut a slope down onto unsuspecting people below you." = RUN OF THE DAY………SPINETINGLER!

    "There are lots of pretty safe zones out there like surprise trees, siberia ridge, north ridge, the bear, curry powder etc." = GO HERE, BUT WHEN YOU GET CAUGHT IN A SLIDE ……….YOU DIDN’T HEAR IT FROM ME

    "Maybe they will open for a "preview weekend" That would help quell peoples early season urges to ride! Or better yet just get er open for the season like they have done everywhere else where the conditions have allowed (whistler, cypress, baker, whitewater next weekend etc)" =I‘M SO BUYING A SEASON PASS AT CASTLE !

    in reply to: Hiking? #19580


    in reply to: Hiking? #19577

    Until Dec.4 Fernie Alpine Resort is considered an Industrial Work Site. Snow Cats are out, ski lifts are moving, snowmobiles are moving, but most importantly, patrol is doing avalanche control. You could be walking up a skin track and they could be throwing a bomb right above you. There has been some naturals moving as well ei. Gun Bowl. Every year something happens to somebody pre-season. Broken femur in Currie, Size 2.5 Heiko’s Fan.

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