Park Place Lodge

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Riverside suite to rent

Room at Riverside for rent private suite with ensuite. Shared kitchen/laundry. Non smoking/non partying household. There is a shuttle that […]

Voices: 4 | Posts: 4 | Freshness: 15 years, 8 months ago | Recent Activity by: greglefebvre in: Rental Rooms

lock off unit for rent mid June/ July 2008 summer season

Lock off unit at Riverside for rent weekly/monthly. Rates are low for summer starting at $200 weekly, depending on occupancy. […]

Voices: 2 | Posts: 2 | Freshness: 16 years, 1 month ago | Recent Activity by: toby960 in: Rental Rooms

needed room to rent for dec 07- april 08

I am a quiet mature sf looking for a room to rent in dec 07 to april 08. I have […]

Voices: 2 | Posts: 2 | Freshness: 16 years, 8 months ago | Recent Activity by: hellvis presley in: Rental Rooms

looking for a room to rent in Dec 07 – april 08

I am a mature sf looking for a room to rent in a quiet home starting Dec o7- april 08. […]

Voices: 1 | Posts: 1 | Freshness: 16 years, 10 months ago | Recent Activity by: michelle70 in: Rental Housing
Viewing 4 topics - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)