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  • in reply to: Flathead debate heats up as UN visits valley #17526

    Bill Bennett will handle those tree huggin unban clowns!

    in reply to: Huckleberries #17290

    Haven’t seen any to date. They are ready when they’re ready, soon I hope.

    in reply to: Swap houses in Fernie for a year & make some $ #17140

    There are many nice FAMILY towns in Canada, Fernie unfortunately has become a tourist town and in my opinion no longer qualifies. The facts are:

    The populaltion has decreased by 25% in the past 8 years 4800 – 3800

    40 % of the homes are empty (second homes)

    It has become a party town, drugs are everywhere

    schools are closing, services are decreasing

    These social trends will only continue as second home owners buy up entry level homes and locals leave to buy where they can afford.

    If your looking to ski, bike, fish & party with self centered boys, Fernie is the place.

    Renting for a year is a good option to make your own conclusions

    in reply to: EYES WIDE OPEN , TIME TO WAKE UP #17013

    Sheep and cattle like to ski, bike and fish.

    Are you being silly with your expectations?!

    in reply to: Wildsight bashing… #16794

    HI Steve

    We appreciate that we both share a common goal and that is to drive as much awareness and Tourism revenue for Fernie, the community, our respective resort destinations and for the Kootenay Region.

    I heard through the Fernie grapevine that you were unhappy with Minister Bennett.

    I wanted to follow up with some thoughts for you to consider. I have been involved in tourism in BC for over 10 years now. In those 10 years I have never seen a Minister of Tourism for their whole term do as much for our Region as Minister Bennett has done in a few months.

    I will use one campaign as an example- Minister Bennett helped make the new Delta Airlines service to our Region possible- with that came some new opportunities

    He has literally put Fernie and our region on the map in the US. He has cleared up some of the bottlenecks and through that has streamlined the process so that we can see support for campaigns that have real call to Action for our Region.

    Some of the many other that I wish to highlight:
    1. We finally have a representative on Tourism BC board from Fernie. As you know it is hard for the Gov’t to make change at TourismBC and we need to drive change and opportunities from the Board. Many of the Tourism Ministers of the past had all of the representation in the lower Mainland
    2. Minister Bennett has been there to bring awareness to the Tourism BC staff that Fernie is a great place and he has asked them to promote it more. As I have heard on the ground while working on programs with Tourism BC staff
    3. IN regard to Air Service as mentioned above- Minister Bennett has taken a strong supporting role on not only the Delta project but also developing other Air service we have been working on from other Markets- without his support none of this would be possible- Not Delta and none of the other test markets we are working on
    4. Minister Bennett has made sure that a new video features Fernie in it (summer and winter) for the OIympics Media- but not only the video but also a mandate to drive more Media to Fernie from Tourism BC’s media office
    5. Support from Tourism BC for CDSC projects has continued and will grow for Fernie (of which Tourism Fernie, Fernie Alpine Resort and Island Lake see benefit from)
    6. Continued support for the Boulder Media Event- we have a strong Fernie feature
    7. Minister Bennett help make sure that Tourism BC had a Media Event at Toronto Ski Show and offered a new Show (given change in economy and more drive or Regional Market) in Seattle- Fernie was well represented at both
    8. Continued strength in support of the UK programs to showcase Fernie and in fact helping to meet with one of the largest UKoperators and bringing them to Fernie to showcase the destination

    I could go on and on….But feel important that there is so much good that Minister Bennett is doing for Fernie. He does not take much credit for all that he does. We are very appreciative and we could not have a better Minister of Tourism. Minister Bennett is getting things done and will make sure that Fernie is well supported, promoted and represented.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my e-mail and we appreciate all that you and the Island Lake team do to market and promote Fernie as a destination

    Take care

    in reply to: Politicians and real estate agents ‘least trusted’ #16380

    Perhaps lawyers are not considered professionals in England.

    Citizens in Fernie and the Kootenay’s have voted against real estate agents being politicians.

    I believe these agents were symbolic as the evil of change. The change that has displaced community and threatened lifestyle as previously enjoyed.

    In reality the factors are much larger than a few agents however the voters have communicated a strong message.

    in reply to: brand new sweet basment suite for rent WEEKLY #16360

    With the high pricing I question his receiving any taxable income.

    in reply to: Is fernie real estates any good #16352

    We’re all kinda slow and stupid here in Fernie – get used to it. And everything is expensive. Get your pocket book out. BC stands for Bring Cash.

    in reply to: what’s the truth about Fernie #16314

    Moke cleverly delivers the essence of Fernie that we fun-hogs have gravitated to.

    The big question is, "why has the full-time population of Fernie decreased by 10% in the past 5 years?"

    Is the migration reason solely the cost of housing or are the larger "resort town" social issues driving people to look for community elsewhere?

    All the more shoveling and snagged hooks for us!

    in reply to: Yoga classes??? #16283

    People have a lot of positive things to say about Essential yoga……

    in reply to: the "free press" #16244

    the daughter(s) of this disturbed man should have their identity protected.

    Awareness can help others in the same situation. In doing so the Free Press must be very professional, something our National media sometimes fail to achieve.

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