Park Place Lodge

1) Paint the Town for Fish
Students from Fernie Secondary School (FSS) grade 8 Class recently took part in the Columbia Basin Trust’s (CBT) “Know your Watershed Program”. The students and volunteers from the Elk River Alliance painted 130 storm drains within the City of Fernie with an emblem of a westslope cutthroat trout, and the words “Be Aware! These drain to the River” This is to remind citizens that whatever goes down these drains go directly into the Elk River.
Lee-Ann Walker, Elk River Alliance, and Tessa Holmes, FSS grade 8 student, provided Council with an update regarding the project and thanked its sponsors including CBT, Wildsight, Teck Coal and Mayor and Council for their support.
2) Fernie Trails Alliance.
The Fernie Trails Alliance has major projects identified for completion this summer. They are predominately centered on family opportunities, increasing safety and revitalizing neglected trails. The projects for consideration are:
• Stove Trail
• Island Lake Connector
• Fairy Creek/Mount Proctor Loop
• Coal Creek Heritage Trail – 9 km
Council will provide a letter of support to the Fernie Trails Alliance noting the projects suitability and benefit to the entire community. Council wished the Alliance the best of luck in their efforts to achieve the necessary funding to be able to complete the ambitious schedule of projects identified for the summer of 2012. It was noted that the City had provided funding support to the Trails Alliance of $39,000 towards these projects through the Provincial Resort Municipality Initiative and the City’s approved 2012-2016 Resort Development Strategy.
3) Parkland Terrace Residents – Submit Petition
Several residents of Parkland Terrace were in attendance to express their opposition to any development on the City’s lands east of Bossio Road in Parkland Terrace.
Ms. Tara Beck, representing those residents addressed Council and submitted a petition with over 150 signatures to Mayor Giuliano requesting that the City do the following:
• Refrain from servicing, subdividing and selling any lots or any other such development on the subject property; and
• In keeping with the principles in the OCP, rezone the area as park
The petition was referred to the July 9, 2012 Regular Meeting for Council’s consideration.
4) Partnering Agreements –
TransRockies Challenge Society
Council approved the partnering agreement with the TransRockies Challenge Society for the provision of municipal services, being the hosting of the TransRockies Challenge from July 26 – 31, 2012. The City will pay the TransRockies the sum of $2,898.00 and provide other in-kind support for hosting this event. Funding support has been allocated for this event from the 2012-2016 Resort Development Strategy.
Fernie Chamber of Commerce – Victoria Avenue Initiative and Sunday Downtown Socials
Council approved the partnering agreement with the Fernie Chamber of Commerce for the provision of municipal services, being the hosting of the summer downtown festivities, including but not limited to a night market, street theatre, music and trunk treasure sale which will occur from July 4 to September 29, 2012.
The City will pay the Chamber the sum of $15,000 for the activities, with the funding coming from the 2012-2016 Resort Development Strategy.
5) Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources Operations E-Referral # 5882761 – Special Event Permits for:
• Furious 3 Bike Race – June 30 – July 2
• TransRockies Challenge 2012 Mountain Bike Race – July 28 – July 30
Council will notify the above noted Ministry that the City of Fernie does not object to the issuance of a Special Event Permit to the Furious 3 Bike Race and the TransRockies Challenge 2012 Mountain Bike Race subject to the provision of a certificate of comprehensive general liability insurance in and amount not less than $5 million with the City of Fernie as an additional named insured party on the policy.
6) Gas Tax Grant Application – Sewage Treatment Plant Outfall Improvements
The City of Fernie in conjunction with Urban Systems has made an application for grant funding under the Gas Tax Agreement’s General Strategic Priorities Fund (GSPF) for the feasibility, pre-design and design of a Sewage Treatment Plant Outfall. The project scope and budget for the project is $175,000. The application proposes a 30% (City) 70% (Grant) split.
Council approved the application for the above noted project endorsing the project scope and budget.
7) RDEK Bylaw Referral – Fernie Alpine Resort OCP No. 2363
The Fernie Alpine Resort Official Community Plan review was initiated to incorporate proposed infill development and upgrades to transportation, water and sewer servicing, employee housing and trails policy
Council recommended that the Board of Directors of the RDEK approve Bylaw No. 2363, 2012
8. RDEK Bylaw No. 2373 – Lot 24, District Lot 4588, Kootenay District, Plan 1299
Council resolved to not provide any comment with respect to this bylaw which proposes to amend the RDEK Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 829, 1990 to redesignate Lot 24, District Lot 4588, Kootenay District, Plan 1299 from RR-4 Rural Residential (Hobby Farm) Zone to RR-2 Rural Residential (Small Holding) Zone in order to permit subdivision of the subject property.
9) Fernie Splash Park – Budget Amendment and Award of Contract
Council authorized that the 2012 capital budget for the Fernie Splash Park be increased by $35,929.00 (to a total of $305,929.00) and that staff be directed to prepare the necessary financial plan amendment bylaw and to identify in that bylaw the funding source for the budget increase.
Council approved the tender bid for the construction of the City of Fernie Splash Park from Parastone Developments Ltd. for the contract price of $157,629.00 and authorized the Director of Leisure Services to enter into the requisite contract with Parastone Developments Ltd. for the services outlined in their tender submission.
10) Optional Refusal of Smart Meter Installation
Council will be forwarding a letter to BC Hydro, copied to the Premier and all UBCM Member Municipalities in support of further investigation into the matter of the installation of wireless smart meters in British Columbia.
The resolution calls for a moratorium on the installation of smart meters until further investigation into concerns has taken place and that consumers be given a choice as to whether or not to have a smart meter installed and that if they decline that decision come at no additional cost to the consumer.
11) BC Hydro Aerial Mapping
BC Hydro has notified the City of Fernie of their intention to conduct low level flights by Talon Helicopters for the purpose of aerial mapping of power lines with BC Hydro
Flights will take place between June 15 – 30, 2012 between the hours of 8:00 – 6:00 p.m. They will adhere to all flight paths and times as set by Transport Canada.
12) Railway – Roadway Grade Crossings Regulations Consultation – City of Langley
Council received correspondence from the City of Langley
regarding input into the consultation process on the subject of the proposed changes to the Canadian Railway- Roadway Grade Crossing Standards (CRRGCS).
The City of Langley has a similar scenario to Fernie in that they both have one major rail corridor with several railways operating with its boundaries. At grade rail crossings will be impacted by the proposed regulations and policies.
Council will re-address this correspondence and additional information regarding Transport Canada’s proposed changes at the June 25th, 2012 Regular Meeting.
13) Isabella Dicken Parents Advisory Committee
Ms. Karen Bloemink on behalf of the Isabella Dicken Parent Advisory Committee (IDES PAC) was in attendance and requested Council partner in the provision of two (2) benches, two (2) picnic tables and four (4) cement pads at the north end of the Isabella Dicken Elementary School Site, around the Prentice Park area.
Council agreed to fund $2500. towards the purchase of these items. The School District will assume responsibility for the installation and maintenance for these items which will be installed by the fall of this year.

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