The Regional District of East Kootenay Area A will be holding a community meeting later this month.

“With longtime Area A Director Mike Sosnowski retiring from office this fall, this meeting will be a final opportunity for him to meet with his constituents and provide both an overview of the accomplishments during his tenure and an update on current projects of note,” says RDEK Communications Manager, Loree Duczek. “The community meeting will also feature presentations on our regional firefighter recruitment drive, the FireSmart Program, and Angel Flight East Kootenay.”

Electoral Area A Director, Mike Sosnowski announced that he would not be running for re-election this year. Sosnowski has served Area A for the past 17 years.

Three candidates have stepped forward seeking the Area A Director position in the coming election:
Lee-Anne Walker, from Dicken Road south of Hosmer
Thomas McDonald, from South Country, Koocanusa West
Hungry Baytaluke, from District of Sparwood

The Area A meeting will get underway at 7pm on September 28 at the Hosmer Community Hall.

All are invited to attend.

For more information, visit

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