Updated: Fernie Wilderness Adventures announced today that they have been granted a permit to construct a temporary ice/snow bridge in to access their terrain for the season. FWA is a very popular Fernie catskiing operation. After a very long month of uncertainty, they will be open soon.
The ice/snow bridge will also be a solution for the Fernie Snowmobile Association. The huge effort and resource referenced below will most likely be focused on Coal Creek.
The RDEK Board of Directors has approved $100,000 in funding through the Electoral Area A portion of the Elk Valley Mine Tax Sharing Funds to support the installation of a temporary bridge over Morrissey Creek and restore access to the Morrissey and Coal Creek Areas.
Canfor is not able to complete permanent repairs to the bridge in time for the winter season. “The Fernie Snowmobile Association (FSA) has been working to find a way to restore public access to this critical winter area for their membership,” says Electoral Area A Director Mike Sosnowski. “The funding we have approved will help to provide safe access for all users until a more permanent fix can be made and ensure this important economic generator can operate this winter.”

Fernie Wilderness Adventures also uses this bridge to access to their cat-skiing terrain. FWA has been offering snowcat skiing on Morrissey Ridge since 1995.
Access to the Morrissey and Coal Creek drainages suffered significant damage during the recent flooding in November and are currently inaccessible. The FSA has been working with multiple stakeholders and potential funding partners on a solution for this winter.
“We need a safe place for the public and recreationalists to go and securing access to the Morrissey area will achieve that.” explains Sosnowski.
Work on installing the temporary bridge is expected to begin immediately and the structure will be removed prior to the spring run-off.