After months of planning and meetings the committee for the Miners Walk has given the go ahead for fabrication of the actual exhibit to be placed on City Hall grounds.

As soon as the ground is stable passers by will see activity as the grounds are dug up in order to move wires, poles and trees deemed unstable.
This is great news for the community because this exhibit will be the first one dedicated to mining in the Elk Valley although the actual exhibit will include information on geology, environment and other important resources here but it will predominantly serve to honour and thank the many people past, present and future that have contributed to the economic driver and stability of the Elk Valley.
The committee is only twenty- five thousand dollars short of goal so they are asking everyone in the community to help with this last needed funding. I have personally sent out hundreds of emails giving people information on the project and asking for donations, I want to thank each one that has responded and ask that others please consider the request. For anyone who desires to know more about the project please email me at or call me at 250 423-4009 and I will send you sketches and text and budget for the project and also provide information on the Brick initiative that honours individulas on a more personal level.
There is another committee named the Fernie Summer Downtown Initiatives Committee that is recognizing that there is a need to increase the volume of visits to Downtown stores and Businesses. They are planning to do this by organizing a “day/evening walk through downtown, perusing shops, cafes and restaurants while enjoying entertainment and events as a great way to enjoy summertime in Fernie.” They want to do this by making Second Avenue pedestrian only friendly while offering outside stalls with music and entertainment that will attract families and visitors to downtown on Sundays and Wednesday evenings. “It helps create the community spirit we want for Fernie, once you have support the possibilites are virtually endless” says the committee.
We see from the numbers of people that come out to view the Griz Days parade that people come when there is something to see and do downtown. Personally I commend this committee for taking the initiative to bring more vibrancy to the downtown core because as people come to enjoy the offerings they will also want to check out businesses on the highway so this initiative is bound to be good for all business in Fernie. I support this initiative and hope others will as well.
Sometimes I don’t think residents realize how many committees there are doing great work for our City. For instance the Quality of Life group that worked on the current document is already busy on a new list of indicators and will be advertising for stakeholders’ involvement. This is not to be confused with the new committee “Forever Fernie”, that recently held a two day session asking for public input on developing an integrated community sustainability plan that includes social, cultural, economic and environmental issues regarding sustainability.
Having lived in Fernie for most of my life I have seen first hand what has kept this town alive and thriving. The answer may sound simplistic but Fernie has been sustainable due to change brought about by longtime residents and newcomers who saw a need for innovative ideas, businesses and services resulting in more jobs and a better economy.

Mountainside Church held its first fundraising tea on Saturday May 14. Monies raised are earmarked for a street ministry for children in Mexico so the theme was Mexican. Food, tables, entertainment and music was absolutely amazing. The youth of the church acted a powerful drama about life on the streets. It was very obvious the organizers put a lot of time and effort into this fundraiser. Congratulations to all involved.