1.1 Development Variance Permit Application No. 378 – 2 Aspen Crescent Council approved Development Variance Permit Application No. DVPA-378 and gave notice of their intention to consider the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. DVP-378 to Ken and Elizabeth Truscott for Parcel A (Being a Consolidation of Lots 2 and 3, to vary the maximum accessory building height as set out in Section of Zoning Bylaw No. 1750 for an accessory building.

Fernie City Council

Fernie City Council

1.2 Development Variance Permit Application No. 379 for 122 2nd Avenue Council approved Development Variance Permit Application No. DVPA-379 and gave notice of their intention to consider the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. DVP-379 to vary the minimum side yard and minimum front yard setback as set out in the Zoning Bylaw No. 1750 for the construction of a carport.
1.3 Development Variance Permit No. 380 for 1252 6th Avenue
Council approved Development Variance Permit Application No. DVPA-380 and gave notice of their intention to consider the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. DVP-380 to vary the minimum front yard setback and minimum eave projection for a covered walkway along the west property line property line.
2.1 Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Bylaw No. 2649 Referral – 6208 Cunliffe Council did not support an application by Luminary Holding Corp to the RDEK to rezone a 1.9 hectare lot at 6208 Cunliff Road from Rural Residential to Light Industrial. Council did support the application to rezone the lot to Highway Commercial Zone and text amend the RDEK Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 829 by adding “indoor and outdoor recreational vehicle and boat storage” as a permitted use in the CG4 zone subject to several conditions.
2.2 Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 2028, Amendment No. 2, Bylaw No. 2285, 2015 Council gave first, second and third readings to Business Licencing and Regulation Bylaw No. 2028, Amendment No. 2, Bylaw No. 2285, 2015 and directed staff to give notice of their intention to amend the bylaw and provide an opportunity for persons who consider they are affected by the bylaw to make representations to Council as well; Council authorized to rescind the Mobile Street Vending Policy and any amendments thereto.


3.1 2015 – 2017 Resort Development Strategy for consideration of Council Approval Council approved the 2015-2017 Resort Development Strategy as attached to the CAO’s November 16, 2015 Staff Report and directed staff to send written notice to the applicable Advisory Working Group organizations and agencies as defined in the Terms of Reference for the RDS Committee requesting them to nominate one of their members to the AWG for the term of the 2015-2017 Resort Development Strategy.
3.2 Fernie Secondary School – Social Studies 10 Class – Flag Council will contact Fernie Secondary School to set up an appointment with the Grade 10 Socials Class to attend one of their classes to discuss the Fernie Flag and their request to hold a flag contest.
3.3 Parking lot at 462- 3rd Avenue Council will work with the Quail Family to meet the necessary requirements under the Signage Strategy and Sign Guidelines to install a parking sign on the lot located at 462-3rd Avenue.
3.5 Christmas Tree Pick Up / Bonfire / Toboggan Party – Council supported the allocation of city resources as an in kind contribution to this event. Resources include city equipment and man to coordinate curbside pickup of Christmas trees. Further support requested includes promotion of event details through the cities webpage, social media and advertising on the “Fernie Connection” page of the Free Press newspaper.


4.1 Next scheduled meetings of Council are:
Monday December 14, 2015 Committee of the Whole (COTW) @ 10:00am and Regular Meeting of Council @ 7:00pm
Council meetings are streamed live and can be viewed on-demand on the City’s website or watched on Shaw TV Channel 10 at 3:30pm on Tuesdays and 11:00am on Thursdays.
– Monday December 14, 2015 Award Ceremony for the George Majic Spiritus Award at 6:00pm at 501 3rd Avenue upstairs in City Hall.
4.2 Volunteer Luncheon
For all volunteers for any community organization, committee or club. Friday, November 27, 2015 (12:00 noon – 2:00pm at the Fernie Citizens Drop in Centre – 552 3rd Avenue.
RSVP – 250 423-4458 or email: or information@fernieheritagelibrary.com
4.3 TAX TALK – 2016 Budget Consultation Survey
What services are most important to you? Here is your opportunity to TaxTALK with Council!
Please complete the 2016 Budget Consultation Survey and let Council know what’s important to you!

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