1.1 Fernie Brewing Company Limited Brewery Lounge Area Endorsement Following an Informal Public Hearing Council endorsed the application to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch to extend Fernie Brewery’s tasting area into a Brewery Lounge with a small outdoor patio.
1.2 Development Variance Permit Application No. 381 – Montane Developments Council approved application for a development variance permit to vary the siting regulation for a building or structure on a bareland strata lot and will consider the application at an Informal Hearing April 25, 2016.
2.1 Bylaw No. 2288 cited as Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2231, Amendment Bylaw No. 4 2016 replaces Schedule L, 200 Year Floodplain Hazard DPA map was given third reading and adopted by Council.
2.2 Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 2289, 2016 Council adopted Bylaw No. 2289 designating areas of Coal Creek in 200 Year Floodplain.
3.1 Fire Services Mutual Aid Agreement. Council approved the addition of the Elko Volunteer Fire Department to the Fire Services Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Fernie and the Regional District of East Kootenay and authorized execution of the Agreement Amendment.
3.2 Elk Valley Economic Initiative 2016 adVENTURE Conference Following a presentation to Council by the Elk Valley Economic Initiative (EVEI) Council approved $5,000 funding for an upcoming conference to be held in Fernie.
3.3 Poetry Challenge Council will once again answer the Poetry Challenge by Calgary Mayor Nenshi and will have several locals including junior and senior students doing readings of their original poetry before the start of the April 25, 2016 Regular Council meeting.
3.4 Moosehide Campaign initiative was supported by Council at the Committee of the Whole meeting April 11, 2016. The campaign was created by Paul Lacerte to honor his daughter Raven to raise awareness of the issue of violence against women and children. The goal of the Moosehide Campaign is to distribute one million Moose Hide squares across Canada to encourage people to stand up with women and children and speak out against violence towards them.
4.1 Next scheduled meetings of Council are:
– Monday, April 25, 2016 Regular meeting of Council @ 7:00pm in Council Chambers
– Monday, April 25, 2016 Committee of the Whole (COTW) @ 10:00am
Council meetings are streamed live and can be viewed on-demand on the City’s website or watched on Shaw TV Channel 10 at 3:30pm on Tuesdays and 11:00am on Thursdays.
4.2 Columbia Basin Trust Youth Network Program Keeping our Youth Engaged! The City of Fernie is looking for people who may be interested in sitting on an Oversight Committee to establish a Youth Network in Fernie. Through funding and resources from Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) we have the opportunity to form a Youth Network to work towards keeping youth aged 12-18 active and engaged in our community. The Trust will lead the Network and assist in developing programs, hosting youth-focused events, hiring a regional coordinator and providing support to our Youth Network program. The first step is to establish an Oversight Committee that would work with CBT Regional Coordinators to engage youth to identify their vision plan and develop & deliver a unique program for Fernie. An information session will be held in May for anyone interested that will provide details of time commitments, program structure and responsibilities of the Oversight Committee. If you are interested in this great opportunity to work with youth in our community please contact Suzanne Garand at the City of Fernie (suzanne.garand@fernie.ca) to receive an invitation to the upcoming Information Session CBT Youth Network Program | Rossland Youth Action Network
4.3 Bears in the Community Council discussed the problem of bears in our community and directed staff to amend the Waste Regulation bylaw to prohibit waste being placed for collection in plastic bags. Starting soon residents will need to place their garbage for curbside collection in plastic or metal containers. Everyone is reminded to be BearSmart and take responsibility for waste and other wildlife attractants.
Residents may notice the City has added carabineers (spring loaded clamps) to secure lids on all City owned bins. Residents using the bins are asked to ensure the lids are secured following use. Remember it is unlawful to leave refuse piled on or around the bins if they are full.
4.4 Funding Opportunity – Applications are now being accepted through the Resort Municipality Initiative (RMI) Festival & Event Development Program. Limited funding is available to assist community organizations with the cost of developing and hosting festivals and events. Deadline for completed application forms requesting funding for the 2016 fiscal year is Tuesday, May 31, 2016.
Download the detailed update here: 2016-04-11 Council Connection
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0 cm | 0 cm | 2 cm | 8 cm |
0.0 in | 0.0 in | 0.8 in | 3.1 in |
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Featured Event
Fernie Hot Dog Day
Location: Fernie Alpine Resort
Date: 02/04/2025
Time: 13:00 - 23:30