Next Saturday we’ll get back half of normal. The ski hill is opening, with some conditions.
From all reports, we’ll wander the base area and load the lifts like so many space men in our own bubble—masks, social distancing, personal household bubbles and reservations to go inside.
But, and this is the big BUT, once off the lift, we are on our own. Pull the mask down, point ‘em downhill and let ‘em rip like the old days. Half of normal. All downhill, but I’ll take it.
Warren Miller said your first taste of real freedom comes the day you slide off the top of a ski lift. Saturday, we’ll taste Warren’s freedom again.
That’s half an old life, and I’m fine with that. And thanks to Fernie Alpine Resort for figuring out how to make it work. We’ve been living with a slice here and there. Sometimes with a dollop of ice cream. On Saturday, we get half the pie.
Enjoy and eat your fill.